Number of PET CT scans being referred
Sacha van den Berg made this Official Information request to South Canterbury District Health Board
South Canterbury District Health Board did not have the information requested.
From: Sacha van den Berg
Dear South Canterbury District Health Board,
May I please request the following information in regards to PET CT scanning:
How many PET CT scans have been referred per year the past 3 years?
How many PET CT scans have been referred this year so far?
What percentage of the patients being referred are Maori?
What is the average cost per PET CT scan referral?
Yours faithfully,
Sacha van den Berg
From: Stefanie Green
South Canterbury District Health Board
Good afternoon,
Please find attached a letter in response to your recent OIA request with
Ngâ mihi
Executive Support
South Canterbury District Health Board
Private Bag 911, Timaru
Ex 3052| Fax [1]03 688 0238 | DDI 03 264 6627
OUR Values - A Mâtou Uara
ICARE – Kei Te Manaaki Âhau
Integrity – Pono
Collaboration - Mahi Tahi
Accountability – Whaiwhakaaro
Respect – Whakaute
Excellence – Hiraka
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1. file:///tmp/tel:03%20688%200238
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