Requests similar to 'Removal of Hamilton statue' (page 6)
Workshops related to the Silverstream spur
Response by Upper Hutt City Council to Stefan Brown on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Stefan
Further to my email yesterday, please find the information requested as
follows. Some of the information you have requested is a...
Dear Ross
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577 7000.
Dear Kalan Baker
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577 70...
Freedom Camping Act homeless exemption
Response by Tauranga City Council to Maurice Gerbinald on .
Dear Maurice Gerbinald
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07...
Dear Maurice Gerbinald
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07...
Dear G Kingsley
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577 700...
Commercial activity in 172 Bellevue Road Tauranga
Response by Tauranga City Council to Judy Gray on .
Dear Judy Gray
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577 7000...
Dear Maurice Gerbinald
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07...
Contracts the council has developed with Joyce Advisory or Steven Joyce.
Response by Tauranga City Council to Anna Sanderson on .
Dear Anna Sanderson
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577...
Dear Tim Carter
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577 700...
Cocktail Party LOGIMA requests
Response by Tauranga City Council to Maurice Gerbinald on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Maurice Gerbinald
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07...
Dear Max Spenseley
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577...
Links Ave expenditures
Response by Tauranga City Council to Jesse Wood on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Jesse Wood
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577 700...
Dear Mr F Flaggson
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577...
Additional on Maunganui Road safety improvements project
Response by Tauranga City Council to Shane Plummer on .
Dear Shane Plummer
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577...
Request for communications regarding delay of Tauranga Racecourse hearings
Response by Tauranga City Council to Maurice Gerbinald on .
Partially successful.
Dear Maurice Gerbinald
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07...
Dear Max Spenseley
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577...
ACE Games Berm Parking
Response by Tauranga City Council to Maurice Gerbinald on .
Information not held.
Dear Maurice Gerbinald
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07...
Installation, maintenance costs for bus shelters
Response by Tauranga City Council to David Jump on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear David Jump
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577 700...
Communications between Commissioner Supporters
Response by Tauranga City Council to Mr F Flaggson on .
Dear Mr F Flaggson
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577...
Dear Mr.F Jensen
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577 70...
Citizenship Ceremony Dates
Response by Christchurch City Council to AHB on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe AHB,
On 11 December 2024, you requested the following information, under the
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 198...
Dear Mr Wilder,
Thank you for your email to the Council received on 8 December 2019 in
which you requested information relating to the Council’s...
All Frames of Spatial Analysis Document
Response by Hutt City Council to Craig Innes on .
Tenā koe Craig,
Please find our response to your Official information request on November 11, 2023.
Ngā mihi nui,
Kia ora John,
Please find attached the requested information.
Ngā mihi
Laura Ratuva | Senior Communications Advisor
Wellington Railway...