Criminal charges against police officers for the years 2000-2011
Sam Mellor made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police
The request was partially successful.
From: Sam Mellor
Dear New Zealand Police,
I wish to request information in regards the disciplinary action and/or criminal charges brought against sworn police officers for each of the years 2000-2011 inclusive. The information can refer to either calendar or fiscal years though I would prefer the former. In regards to questions 1 and 2 could I please have both the nationwide number and the number for each district. The specific numbers requested are as follows:
1. How many officers were charged with an offence in a given year?
2. How many officers were convicted of any offence in a given year?
3. In regards those charged, how many were charged with an offence which occurred while performing police duties?
4. With what offence(s) was each individual charged?
5. Of the officers charged with an offence; while subject to prosecution, how many
a) resigned
b) retired
c) were formally dismissed
6. Of the officers charged with an offence, how many were placed on enforced leave?
Yours faithfully,
Samuel Mellor
New Zealand Police
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Act request.
-----Sam Mellor <[FYI contact email]> wrote: -----
To: OIA requests at New Zealand Police <[New Zealand Police request email]>
From: Sam Mellor <[FYI contact email]>
Date: 14/02/2012 05:08PM
Subject: Official Information request: Criminal charges against police
officers for the years 2000-2011
Dear New Zealand Police,
I wish to request information in regards the disciplinary action
and/or criminal charges brought against sworn police officers for
each of the years 2000-2011 inclusive. The information can refer to
either calendar or fiscal years though I would prefer the former.
In regards to questions 1 and 2 could I please have both the
nationwide number and the number for each district. The specific
numbers requested are as follows:
1. How many officers were charged with an offence in a given year?
2. How many officers were convicted of any offence in a given year?
3. In regards those charged, how many were charged with an offence
which occurred while performing police duties?
4. With what offence(s) was each individual charged?
5. Of the officers charged with an offence; while subject to
prosecution, how many
a) resigned
b) retired
c) were formally dismissed
6. Of the officers charged with an offence, how many were placed on
enforced leave?
Yours faithfully,
Samuel Mellor
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show quoted sections
From: Sam Mellor
Dear New Zealand Police,
In regards my OIA request of 14 February 2012, I note that, by law, you should have responded promptly and by 14 March 2012. Could you please update me on the status of the request.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Mellor
New Zealand Police
Dear Sam
Thanks for your enquiry. I am advised your OIA is being processed for
-----Sam Mellor <[FYI contact email]> wrote: -----
To: <[New Zealand Police request email]>
From: Sam Mellor <[FYI contact email]>
Date: 15/03/2012 02:02PM
Subject: Re: Official Information request: Criminal charges against
police officers for the years 2000-2011
Dear New Zealand Police,
In regards my OIA request of 14 February 2012, I note that, by law,
you should have responded promptly and by 14 March 2012. Could you
please update me on the status of the request.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Mellor
show quoted sections
From: FYI Requests
response to OIA request attached.
Charlie Busby
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subject to the provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008, which
creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you
are not the intended recipient of this message or have received this
message in error, you must not peruse, use, distribute or copy this
message or any of its contents.
Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect
those of the New Zealand Police. If you have received this message in
error, please email or telephone the sender immediately
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence