Amounts invested by the Seed Co-Investment Fund
Rowan Simpson made this Official Information request to New Zealand Growth Capital Partners Limited
The request was refused by New Zealand Growth Capital Partners Limited.
From: Rowan Simpson
Dear New Zealand Venture Investment Fund Limited,
Please provide information on the investments made to date by the Seed Co-investment Fund.
For each company that has received investment please provide:
1. The date/s of investment
2. The amount invested on each date
3. The name/s of the accredited investor or investors whom you were investing alongside on each date
Please provide the details of any investments that have been sold by the Fund, either in part or in full
Please also provide the details of any investments where the company that received investment is no longer operating.
Rowan Simpson.
From: Venture
Dear Rowan,
I can confirm that we have received your OIA requests for the Seed Co-investment and Venture Capital Funds. We will be in touch with you shortly.
Ruth Malo
Administration Manager | DDI: 09 951 0170 | [mobile number] | Email: [email address]
New Zealand Venture Investment Fund Limited
Unit 1B, Ascot Office Park, 93-95 Ascot Avenue, Greenlane, Auckland
PO Box 74211, Greenlane, Auckland 1546
Tel: 09 951 0170 | Fax: 09 951 0171 | Web:
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From: Franceska Banga
Hello Rowan,
Thanks for your request but we’re unable to provide that information due
to the commercial confidentiality arrangements under which we are obliged
to operate.
We do endeavour to publish as much information as we can about our
investments into funds, the companies that are invested into, fair
valuations of the portfolio as a whole, etc. But we are not permitted to
break it down to specific amounts invested into companies via which funds.
We are only able to report this data on an aggregated basis, as we do in
our annual report, etc. Section 9(2)(b) of the OIA provides for
withholding information "where the making available of the information …
would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the
person who supplied or who is the subject of the information” (see
attached). That would occur with respect to your request.
If you want more explanation of how we operate, I’d be happy for one of my
team to meet with you and go over the process. Also, you may find it
useful to have a look at our publicly available reports on
NZVIF Annual Report 2011
Sorry we cannot be of more assistance on this matter.
Kind regards,
Franceska Banga
Chief Executive | DDI: 09 951 0170 | Email: [4][email address]
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence