New Film Commission website cost

Olly made this Official Information request to New Zealand Film Commission

The request was successful.

From: Olly

Dear New Zealand Film Commission,

Please supply me with the total cost of the Film Commissions spending on website design and development over the last 12 months.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Kate Mooney
New Zealand Film Commission

Attachment NZFC OIA Response 24 October 2018.pdf
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Kia ora Olly,

Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request on the 9 October 2018.

Ngā mihi | Kind regards

Kate Mooney | Business Affairs Legal Junior
New Zealand Film Commission | Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga
Level 3, 119 Ghuznee St, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 11546, Manners Street, Wellington 6142 |

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