Employment Complaints - MBIE - Intellectual Property Office

Bernie D made this Official Information request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

The request was partially successful.

From: Bernie D

Dear Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment,

Please provide details (quantities and primary reason) of any employment related complaints and/or grievances, lodged and/or settled, by current or former employees or their solicitors/advocates, against the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, over the past 4 years where the complaints have;

1. alleged workplace bullying, harassment, constructive dismissal, breach of contract
2. alleged some other breach of the State Services Commission Code of Conduct.

Please advise the number of complaints that have resulted in the cessation of employment whether by mutual agreement, as part of a settlement process or by way of resignation or termination.

Please provide this information on a departmental basis (e.g. Trademarks, Biotechnology etc).

Thank you

Bernie D

Yours faithfully,

Bernie D

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From: *OIA
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment



Ref: 1718-0990


Dear Bernie D

On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment I
acknowledge your email of 11 February 2018 requesting under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act), the following:

Please provide details (quantities and primary reason) of any employment
related complaints and/or grievances, lodged and/or settled, by current or
former employees or their solicitors/advocates, against the Intellectual
Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) Ministry of Business Innovation and
Employment, over the past 4 years where the complaints have;


1.            alleged workplace bullying, harassment, constructive
dismissal, breach of contract


2.            alleged some other breach of the State Services Commission
Code of Conduct.


Please advise the number of complaints that have resulted in the cessation
of employment whether by mutual agreement, as part of a settlement process
or by way of resignation or termination.


Please provide this information on a departmental basis (e.g. Trademarks,
Biotechnology etc).

Your request is being processed in accordance with the Act and a response
will be sent to you in due course. If you have any enquiries regarding
your request feel free to contact us via email [MBIE request email] or using
the contact details below.


Yours sincerely,

Alan Witcombe


Corporate, Governance and Information

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Level 4, 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140


[1]www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government

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Visible links
1. http://www.govt.nz/

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Luke C left an annotation ()


1. When you asked "Please advise the number of complaints that have resulted in the cessation of employment...", were you referring to the cessation of employment of the complainant or complainee, or both?

2. So you want complaints that did NOT result in the cessation of employment of either the complainant or complainee to be EXCLUDED from your request?

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Bernie D left an annotation ()

In reply to your question .......''were you referring to the cessation of employment of the complainant or complainee, or both'? - I'm after information on both.

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From: BSB IPONZ Corporate Services

Attachment image001.jpg
6K Download

Attachment Response to DOIA 1718 0990 Bernie D FINAL.PDF.pdf
83K Download View as HTML

Dear Bernie


Please find attached the letter in response to your Official Information
Act 1982 request dated 11 February 2018.



Vanessa Horne


Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment





[2]www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government

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Visible links
2. http://www.govt.nz/

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Luke C left an annotation ()

I am not convinced that they needed to withhold the reason to protect the privacy of complainant and complainee. However I think withholding the department may be necessary, as naming the department may inadvertently permit staff who work for the IPO to identify the complainant or complainee,

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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment only: