Information that was used to decide to extend the Residential Red Zone Exit Date.
Jessica Adams made this Official Information request to Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
The request was successful.
From: Jessica Adams
Dear Minister Responsible For Canterbury Earthquake Recovery,
I am a Residential Red Zone Resident. I have written to both yourself and Roger Sutton, in the past, to plead for an extension of the April 2013 Red Zone Exit Date due to the fact that myself and many others could not meet the exit date set down by CERA. My requests were rejected.
I now request the release of the information that was supplied to Cabinet identifying the issues in meeting the April 2013 Exit deadline and leading to a review of the Crown settlement date.
I would also request the issue of the Cabinet discussion papers related to the decision to extend the April 2013 Exit deadline, the change of the Crown Settlement date and any specific criteria related to this.
Yours faithfully,
Jessica Adams
From: G Brownlee (MIN)
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The Office of Hon Gerry Brownlee
Minister for Economic Development
Minister of Energy and Resources
Leader of the House
Associate Minister for the Rugby World Cup
Member of Parliament for Ilam
P: 04 817 6802 F: 04 817 6502
From: G Brownlee (MIN)
Good Afternoon
Please find attached correspondence from the Office of Hon Gerry Brownlee
regarding your Official Information Act request.
Rose Chamberlain| Private Secretary to Hon Gerry Brownlee
Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | Minister of Transport
Leader of the House | Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission
Member of Parliament for Ilam
Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160 |
From: oce (CERA)
Dear Jessica
Thank you for your request for information received on 24 December 2012.
Please find attached a letter relating to your request from Jacinda Lean,
General Manager, Office of the Chief Executive.
Therese Davel
Team Administrator
Office of the Chief Executive
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA)
Private Bag 4999 Christchurch 8140
W: [1]
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From: Jessica Adams
Dear oce (CERA),
I have received your response to my request for the "information that was used to decide to extend the residential red zone exit date", where you state that a further twenty days is required for "necessary consultations". Would you please advise me with whom do you need to consult and for what reasons?
The decision was made two months ago and I think there needs to be clarity for Red Zone residents around this decision.
Yours sincerely,
Jessica Adams
From: G Brownlee (MIN)
Good Afternoon
Please find attached correspondence from Hon Gerry Brownlee regarding your
Official Information Act request.
Office of Hon Gerry Brownlee
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence