Briefing on South Taranaki Bight

Alex Harris made this Official Information request to Eugenie Sage

The request was successful.

From: Alex Harris

Dear Eugenie Sage,

According to your answer to Parliamentary Written Question 7648, you received a briefing on the South Taranaki Bight on 3 November. I would like to request a copy of that briefing under the OIA.

I would prefer to receive an electronic response. Queries about this request will be automatically forwarded to me by the website.

With regards to s12 of the OIA, I am an NZ citizen and in NZ

Yours faithfully,

Alex Harris

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From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

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Tena koe Alex


On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, thank you for your email of 27 November
2017 in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as


According to your answer to Parliamentary Written Question 7648, you
received a briefing on the South Taranaki Bight on 3 November. I would
like to request a copy of that briefing under the OIA.


Minister Sage is considering your request in accordance with the Act, and
you can expect a response by 16 January 2017.


Nga mihi



[1]Crest Office of Hon Eugenie Sage

Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information |
  Associate Minister for the Environment

6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 |
Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
P: 04 817 8727

E: [2][Eugenie Sage request email]




-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Harris [mailto:[FOI #6896 email]]
Sent: Monday, 27 November 2017 6:43 PM
To: E Sage (MIN) <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Briefing on South Taranaki Bight


Dear Eugenie Sage,


According to your answer to Parliamentary Written Question 7648, you
received a briefing on the South Taranaki Bight on 3 November. I would
like to request a copy of that briefing under the OIA.


I would prefer to receive an electronic response. Queries about this
request will be automatically forwarded to me by the website.


With regards to s12 of the OIA, I am an NZ citizen and in NZ


Yours faithfully,


Alex Harris




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


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[3][FOI #6896 email]


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From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

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Attachment 16012018144747 0001.pdf
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Dear Mr Harris


Thank you for your Official Information Act request dated 27 November
2017. You requested the following:


“According to your answer to Parliamentary Written Question 7648, you
received a briefing on the South Taranaki Bight on 3 November. I would
like to request a copy of that briefing under the OIA.”


The briefing you requested contains advice to the Minister from officials
in the Department of Conservation on activities within the potential
marine mammal sanctuary in the South Taranaki Bight including seismic
surveying, the Department’s involvement in previous consent application
processes, and initial options for progressing any marine mammal sanctuary
in the area.


The following document falls within the scope of your request and is


|Item|Date |Document description |Decision |
|1 |3 November|17-B-0728 Departmental Memo: Response –|Released in full|
| |2017 |Potential marine mammal sanctuary in | |
| | |the South Taranaki Bight |  |



Yours sincerely


[1]Crest Office of Hon Eugenie

Minister of Conservation
| Minister for Land
Information |

Associate Minister for
the Environment

6R Bowen House |
Parliament Buildings |
Private Bag 18041 |
Wellington 6160 | P: 04
817 8727

[Eugenie Sage request email]





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Things to do with this request

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