Name change statistics related to marriage

Emily Harvey made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs

Department of Internal Affairs did not have the information requested.

From: Emily Harvey

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

I would like to know:
- in how many opposite-sex marriages does the husband change his surname to the wife's surname?
- in how many opposite-sex marriages does the wife change her surname to the husband's surname?
- in how many opposite-sex marriages do both parties change their surnames? and of that, how many are hyphenations and how many are novel names (not either of the original surnames)?
- in how many same-sex marriages between women does one woman change her surname to the other woman's surname?
- in how many same-sex marriages between women do both women change their surnames? and of that, how many are hyphenations and how many are novel names (not either of the original surnames)?
- in how many same-sex marriages between men does one man change his surname to the other man's surname?
- in how many same-sex marriages between men do both men change their surnames? and of that, how many are hyphenations and how many are novel names (not either of the original surnames)?

If possible I would like this data over as many years as you have good data for this, to look at trends. But if you only have it for more recent years, that is ok. I'd prefer just the current data to no data.

Yours faithfully,
Emily Harvey

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Dear Emily

Thank you for your request for Information made under the Official Information Act 1982 and received by the Department of Internal Affairs on 15 September 2017.
Please find attached the Department of Internal Affairs response to your request.

Kind Regards

Rosemary Dhlakama | Advisor Governance
[email address]
The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua
147 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand |

-----Original Message-----
From: Emily Harvey [mailto:[FOI #6554 email]]
Sent: Friday, 15 September 2017 12:24 p.m.
Subject: Official Information request - Name change statistics related to marriage

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

I would like to know:
- in how many opposite-sex marriages does the husband change his surname to the wife's surname?
- in how many opposite-sex marriages does the wife change her surname to the husband's surname?
- in how many opposite-sex marriages do both parties change their surnames? and of that, how many are hyphenations and how many are novel names (not either of the original surnames)?
- in how many same-sex marriages between women does one woman change her surname to the other woman's surname?
- in how many same-sex marriages between women do both women change their surnames? and of that, how many are hyphenations and how many are novel names (not either of the original surnames)?
- in how many same-sex marriages between men does one man change his surname to the other man's surname?
- in how many same-sex marriages between men do both men change their surnames? and of that, how many are hyphenations and how many are novel names (not either of the original surnames)?

If possible I would like this data over as many years as you have good data for this, to look at trends. But if you only have it for more recent years, that is ok. I'd prefer just the current data to no data.

Yours faithfully,
Emily Harvey


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