Youth and RAAYS (Raising Awarenes Across our Youth Sector) or RAAYS
Howard Rait made this Official Information request to Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham)
The request was refused by Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham).
From: Howard Rait
Dear Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham),
Please advise if Ferguson Intermediate School is still using RAAYS (or Youth and RAAYS) which is a system used to address Truancy for justified absences (i.e. medical) in the year of 2017 as they were in 2016?
If so, please provide a valid copy of any Memorandum of Understanding (or equivalent agreements) for the year that includes 2017 between the School and the UH RAAYS Group (Upper Hutt Raising Awareness Across out Youth Sector Group), consisting of the following Upper Hutt organizations:
UHCC Community Development team
Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki (formally known as CYFs)
NZ Police
ICAFS (Infant, Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Service)
If not, please provide a copy of the Schools processes that they use for dealing with any justified (i.e. medical) absence concerns.
Yours faithfully,
Howard Rait
From: Howard Rait
Dear Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham),
Hi Fergusson Intermediate, Can you please advise if you are going to answer this OIA. I have already allowed two extra days in the hope of receiving an answer - but alas no.
Yours faithfully,
Howard Rait
From: Howard Rait
Dear Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham),
Hello Ferguson Intermediate School = You are well overdue a response to this request which is a legal responsibility of yourselves, Please at least indicate if you are going to answer as it is a very simple request as I am more than happy to raise more complaints to the Office of the Ombudsman against you (the school) if you prefer to go down that track again..
Yours faithfully,
Howard Rait
From: Howard Rait
Dear Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham),
Hello Ferguson Intermediate School - Paul Patterson (Principal), Jan-Hall Jones (Principals Secretary) and Ros Connelly (Chair of the BoT).
You know you are well overdue a reply to this OIA request. I also note in the 2017 school prospectus which was recently uploaded to the school website you state that " The school is a signatory to the RAAYS (Raising Achievement Across our Youth Sector) Project"
If this fact is correct you would have supplied the information in the Original OIA request.
Please reply to this OIA request promptly
Yours faithfully,
Howard Rait
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