Where do i apply for identity number
Richard made this Official Information request to Attorney-General
The request was partially successful.
From: Richard
Dear Attorney-General,
Hello Hon Chris Finlayson
I have been researching about the lawful and the legal system. Under the official information act (OIA) could you tell me how i go about getting an identity number i no longer wish to use my name as it belongs to the dead estate that was created when my parent"s unknowingly registered me at birth. I have my source document, print out,certificate of birth and birth certificate .certificate of birth shows i was born in his office singed in wet ink from the registry of birth death marriages i found it strange that it said i was born in his office(when i was clearly born in a hospital) is this when the person (corporation the dead estate) was created.I am a natural man and want to steak claim to what's mine.I recently went to the treasury direct website and found some interesting details when i entered my birth certificate number i have all that value in my name and did not know about it until now. i have woken up and request application forms to finalize this process I understand that a decision on a request for information under the OIA must be made as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case not later than 20 working days after receipt of the request. I trust that a narrow request such as this can be dealt with relatively quickly.
Yours faithfully
From: C Finlayson (MIN)
On behalf of Hon Christopher Finlayson, thank you for your email. Please
be assured that all correspondence is read and noted by this office. Where
the Minister has portfolio responsibilities for the issues raised, a
response will be sent to you in due course.
While the Minister considers all correspondence to be important, if your
email falls outside of his portfolio responsibilities, or expresses a
personal view, then your opinion will be noted and your correspondence may
be transferred to another office or there may be no further response to
Kind Regards
Office of Hon Christopher Finlayson
From: C Finlayson (MIN)
Dear Richard
Please see attached correspondence from Hon Christopher Finlayson’s
Yours sincerely
Office of Hon Christopher Finlayson

Tangata Whenua left an annotation ()
you requested information to apply for an identity number because you no longer wish to use the legal name that belongs to D.I.A and this muppet directs you to name change and D.I.A
complain to the ombudsman Richard
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Tangata Whenua left an annotation ()
What is the process to hold the people guilty of fraud account? Did someone take your private info without your consent Richard and then use your private information against you?
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