Details of efficiency gains made at CCDHB between 2011 to 2016

H Hutchinson made this Official Information request to Capital and Coast District Health Board

The request was successful.

From: H Hutchinson

Dear Capital and Coast District Health Board,

The Ministry of Health has defined an "efficiency gain" in the context of DHB spending as a situation "where a service continues to be delivered by a DHB at a lesser cost."
The direct link to this definition is made here.

The Ministry of Health also identified in this release that since 2011/2012 there has been over 124 million dollars in "efficiency gains" made to Capital and Coast DHB (CCDHB).
In terms of CCDHB for each financial year from 2011 to 2016:

1 - Please provide a list of all DHB funded services and/or contracted services who have been subject to “efficiency gains”' from 2011 to 2016.
2 - What is the monetary value to the “efficiency gains” subjected to each service listed in Question 1?
3 - Despite the definition of "efficiency gains" referring only to services 'continued to be delivered', what previously DHB funded services/contracted services have been stopped and not been refunded from one financial year to the next?
4 - Please provide any and all social impact assessments completed in the decision making process around the “efficiency gains” referred to in the previous Questions 1-3.

Yours faithfully,

H Hutchinson

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From: Michael Baker [CCDHB]
Capital and Coast District Health Board

Dear H Hutchinson


Thank you for your request for official information, received by Capital &
Coast District Health Board on 30 December 2016.


Your request has been received and logged. As required under the Official
Information Act 1982, we will respond to your request within 20 working
days. You should receive a response on or before 13 February 2017.


If a large amount of information has been requested or if the district
health board needs to consult in order to make a decision, we may need to
extend this date (this is provided for in section 15A of the Act). We will
advise you if such an extension is necessary.


Our reference number for your request is: 2017/002


For future OIA requests please send them to [1][CCDHB request email]





Michael Baker

Communications Advisor  | Communications Team | Capital & Coast District
Health Board | Upoko ki te uru hauora

M: 027 558 8886 | T: 04 806 2278 | Ext: 82278 |
[2][email address] | [3]


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From: Lisa Congdon [CCDHB]
Capital and Coast District Health Board

Attachment OIA response 2017 002.pdf
68K Download View as HTML

Dear H Hutchinson,


Please find attached a response to your recent Official Information


Kind regards




Lisa Congdon   |  E.A to the Director – Strategy, Innovation and
Performance | Capital & Coast District Health Board |  UPOKO KITE URU

Private Bag 7902 | Riddiford Street  | Newtown 6242 


DDI (04) 806 2407 | Ext 82407 | [1][email address]


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Things to do with this request

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