Information regarding overseas student loan borrowers being monitored for arrest at the border
Matthew Ward made this Official Information request to Inland Revenue Department
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Matthew Ward to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Matthew Ward
Dear Inland Revenue Department,
In an article on the Radio New Zealand website from March 16, 2025 titled, "Why student loan debt is going to get more expensive" the Inland Revenue is quoted as saying, "about 20 people who have defaulted on their student loans are being monitored for possible arrest if they return to New Zealand".
I would like to request that information about that list.
1. Who is on the that list?
2. What will those people be charged with when they are arrested?
3. How long will they be detained?
Yours faithfully,
Matthew Ward
From: oia
Inland Revenue Department
Dear Matthew Ward
Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act 1982.We will respond within the 20-day statutory timeframe.
You can expect to receive a response by no later than 17 April 2025.
Your reference number is 25OIA2082.
Ngā mihi
Governance and Ministerial Services | Inland Revenue - Te Tari Taake
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