Election STV Iteration Report
David Friggens made this Official Information request to Taranaki District Health Board
The request was successful.
From: David Friggens
Dear Taranaki District Health Board,
I see you have a results summary for the recent DHB election online [1]. I couldn't find an STV iteration report on the website though. Could you please make that available to me, by return email (if quicker) and/or through your website. Specifically, the information I would like in the report is the quota, non-transferable votes and each candidate's votes, for every iteration of the count.
If different formats are available, I personally would prefer a machine-readable format - XML (like Kapiti Coast [2]) or CSV - but if publishing on the website it would be useful also to have a human-readable PDF or RTF as most STV councils (like Palmerston North [3]) have done.
Yours faithfully,
David Friggens
[1] http://www.tdhb.org.nz/dhb/documents/Tar...
[2] http://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/Your-Coun...
[3] http://www.pncc.govt.nz/yourcouncil/elec...
From: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Taranaki District Health Board
Afternoon David - Trust this is what you are after.
Jenny McLennan
Personal Assistant to
Rosemary Clements
Chief Executive
Phone: 06 753-7781
[mobile number]-3444-214
Email: [email address]
show quoted sections
From: David Friggens
Kia ora Jenny,
Thanks. That's not quite what I'm after. This has the quota and vote count for each candidate at the iteration they were elected or excluded.
What I would like please, is the quota, number of non-transferable votes, and vote count for each candidate - for every one of the 56 iterations. See, for example, the reports from MidCentral [1] and CCDHB [2].
Ngā mihi
[1] http://www.midcentraldhb.govt.nz/AboutMD...
[2] http://www.ccdhb.org.nz/aboutus/Capital%...
From: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Taranaki District Health Board
Afternoon - The only format of results I received from Election Services were the final results (previously sent) and the preliminary results (attached). There were no changes to the preliminary results when final results came out.
We did not do any further analysis or changes in presentation of results which we published. If you require any further information you would need to contact Election Services.
Jenny McLennan
Personal Assistant to
Rosemary Clements
Chief Executive
Phone: 06 753-7781
[mobile number]-3444-214
Email: [email address]
show quoted sections
From: David Friggens
Kia ora Jenny,
To clarify, are you refusing my request? If so, can you please tell me what section of the OIA applies?
If you're suggesting it should be transferred, can you please give more detail? The Ombudsman's guidelines [1] say that transferring is "not a discretion, but a mandatory requirement ... [to] another agency" (p19), but I'm assuming that Election Services isn't covered by the OIA.
Sorry for my confusion.
Ngā mihi
From: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Taranaki District Health Board
Hi David - All good, not confused I just provided you with all the result information we received and published in the same format, hoping this is what you needed even if it meant further analysis on your part.
Will attend to transfer in accordance with OIA on Monday. Any further requirements or additional data will require direct communication on your part with Election Services. I will also provide Election Services a copy of the information we have already provided you.
Sent from my iPhone
Jenny McLennan
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From: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Taranaki District Health Board
Hi again - just noted your reference to Elections Services compliance with an Oia request. Will let you know Monday best way forward to see if we can get what you need.
Sent from my iPhone
Jenny McLennan
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From: David Friggens
Ok, thanks Jenny. Probably easiest for you to pass this email address on to Election Services to respond to.
Have a good weekend
From: Dale Ofsoske
Hi David
Attached as requested is the STV iteration report for the Taranaki DHB.
// Dale Ofsoske
Managing Director // Electoral Officer
T +64 9 973 5212
W [2]www.electionservices.co.nz
PO Box 5135, Wellesley Street,
Auckland 1141, New Zealand
Level 3, Custom House, 50 Anzac
[1]cid:image001.jpg@01CF9AB3.AC319DB0 Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand
Visible links
2. http://www.electionservices.co.nz/
From: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Taranaki District Health Board
Morning David – here is a further report from Election Services.
Jenny McLennan
PA to CE
Ext: 8858
[mobile number]-3444-214
From: Dale Ofsoske [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Monday, 31 October 2016 12:04 p.m.
To: [FYI request #4860 email]
Cc: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Subject: Taranaki DHB Iteration Report
Hi David
Attached as requested is the STV iteration report for the Taranaki DHB.
Regards, Dale
// Dale Ofsoske
Managing Director // Electoral Officer
T +64 9 973 5212
W [2]www.electionservices.co.nz
PO Box 5135, Wellesley Street,
Auckland 1141, New Zealand
Level 3, Custom House, 50 Anzac
[1]cid:image001.jpg@01CF9AB3.AC319DB0 Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand
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message is inappropriate or breaches your organisation's policy, please
contact the IT Service Desk to register a complaint.
Email: [3][email address]
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information visit [4]smxemail.com
Visible links
2. http://www.electionservices.co.nz/
3. mailto:[email address]
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