NZ Defence Industry Association

Valerie Morse made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police

The request was successful.

From: Valerie Morse

Dear New Zealand Police,

Please provide all information and instructions relating to the Police presence at the NZ Defence Industry Association Conference in Wellington on 17 & 18 November, 2015.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Valerie Morse

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From: Valerie Morse

Dear New Zealand Police,

On 8 January, I made an OIA request of your office for:

"Please provide all information and instructions relating to the
Police presence at the NZ Defence Industry Association Conference
in Wellington on 17 & 18 November, 2015."

A response to this OIA was due on 15 Feb. I have yet to receive a response.

Yours faithfully,

Valerie Morse

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New Zealand Police

'Do not reply to this message, this email message has been sent from an
un-monitored email address'
Thank you for your email.
It has been forwarded on to the correct department within Police for
follow up. 
Please email us again at [1][New Zealand Police request email] if we can help you
any further.
New Zealand Police
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From: AMAS, Brett
New Zealand Police

Attachment image001.jpg
3K Download

Attachment image002.jpg
1K Download

Attachment image003.jpg
1K Download

Morning Ms Morse


I received this yesterday and I firstly want to apologise for the delay in
replying to your request.


It appears it to have gone to Police National Headquarters instead of
Wellington District where these Police operations are conducted from.


To assist with me getting the correct information to you can you define
for me please exactly what you are requiring?


If you are wanting anything around the Police operational deployment this
would not be released.


Anything regarding yourself and the prosecution process should have been
disclosed through the judiciary process and if you have not received full
disclosure then please let me know. We can not release any other
information regarding co defendants.


I am more than happy to discuss if you wish to either provide a contact
number or you can ring me on the below numbers.




Brett Amas




[1]The Inspector Brett Amas
District Operations Support Manager: Wellington.  
DDI +64 4 238 3503 : Ext: 43503 : M +64 4 21 1922960 :  E 
[2][email address]

Wellington District Headquarters, 41 Victoria Street, PO Box 693,
Wellington 6011.

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subject to the provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008, which
creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you
are not the intended recipient of this message or have received this
message in error, you must not peruse, use, distribute or copy this
message or any of its contents.

Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect
those of the New Zealand Police. If you have received this message in
error, please email or telephone the sender immediately


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From: AMAS, Brett
New Zealand Police

Attachment image001.jpg
3K Download

Attachment image002.jpg
1K Download

Attachment image003.jpg
1K Download

Good Morning Ms Morse


Just following up from my email dated 19 Feb.


Can you identify more specifically the details of your request please, I
am also happy to discuss via phone if that is easier.


If you do not wish to pursue this request any further then please let me


Thankyou Brett




[1]The Inspector Brett Amas
District Operations Support Manager: Wellington.  
DDI +64 4 238 3503 : Ext: 43503 : M +64 4 21 1922960 :  E 
[2][email address]

Wellington District Headquarters, 41 Victoria Street, PO Box 693,
Wellington 6011.

For more information and to apply, visit [3] or call

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creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you
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message in error, you must not peruse, use, distribute or copy this
message or any of its contents.

Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect
those of the New Zealand Police. If you have received this message in
error, please email or telephone the sender immediately


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From: Valerie Morse

Dear AMAS, Brett,

Further to my OIA on the role of the NZ Police at the NZDIA conference, please advise:

-Did NZ Police communicate and/or meet with members of the NZDIA before, during or after the conference?
-Did NZ police communicate and/or meet with staff of the NZDF or Ministry of Defence before, during or after the conference?

-If so, with whom did NZ Police communicate and on what date(s)?

Yours sincerely,

Valerie Morse

Link to this

From: AMAS, Brett
New Zealand Police

Afternoon Ms Morse
Attached is the information requested as per your email dated 29 Feb.
For ease of reading I have highlighted your questions in red and my reply
underneath each question.
1. Did NZ Police communicate and/or meet with members of the NZDIA before,
during or after the conference?
Not to the best of our knowledge but we are not 100% certain.
2. Did NZ police communicate and/or meet with staff of the NZDF or
Ministry of Defence before, during or after the conference?
Yes - with NZDF both prior and during the conference.
3. If so, with whom did NZ Police communicate and on what date(s)?
We had the following meetings; 12/11/16 - with Venue Security Manager,
Security, Venue Manager/Coordinator and NZDF, second meeting later in the
day 12/11/16 - with NZDF, 18/11/16 - with NZDF, Venue Security Manager,
Security and Venue Manager/Coodinator, second meeting after the first
meeting 18/11/15 - Property Manager and Venue Security Manager.
Contacts we dealt with:
NZDF: Kerry Anderson and Barry Hyde
First Contact: Darryl Stonnell
The Chivalry Group: Doug McCauley
Venue Coordinator: Kim Gottard
Venue Security Manager: Dave Uber
The meetings covered venue boundaries, Trespass authority and who would be
our key contacts for the duration of the conference.
I hope this answers your questions and I will document this matter as
Brett Amas
-----Original Message-----
From: Valerie Morse
[[1]mailto:[FOI #3531 email]]
Sent: Monday, 29 February 2016 8:25 p.m.
To: AMAS, Brett <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Information Request
Dear AMAS, Brett,
Further to my OIA on the role of the NZ Police at the NZDIA conference,
please advise:
-Did NZ Police communicate and/or meet with members of the NZDIA before,
during or after the conference?
-Did NZ police communicate and/or meet with staff of the NZDF or Ministry
of Defence before, during or after the conference?
-If so, with whom did NZ Police communicate and on what date(s)?
Yours sincerely,
Valerie Morse
-----Original Message-----
Good Morning Ms Morse
Just following up from my email dated 19 Feb.
Can you identify more specifically the details of your request please, I 
am also happy to discuss via phone if that is easier.
If you do not wish to pursue this request any further then please let me 
Thankyou Brett
[1]The Inspector Brett Amas
District Operations Support Manager: Wellington.  DDI +64 4 238 3503 :
Ext: 43503 : M +64 4 21 1922960 :  E  [2][email address]
Wellington District Headquarters, 41 Victoria Street, PO Box 693, 
Wellington 6011.
For more information and to apply, visit [3] or call
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police  officers. 
The information contained in this email message is intended for the 
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subject to the provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008, which 
creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you 
are not the intended recipient of this message or have received this 
message in error, you must not peruse, use, distribute or copy this 
message or any of its contents.
Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily
reflect  those of the New Zealand Police. If you have received this
message in  error, please email or telephone the sender immediately
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Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
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