Costs of James Laughlin "High Performance" Event
Sarah Hillsdene made this Official Information request to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Sarah Hillsdene to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Sarah Hillsdene
Dear Chief Executive,
Under the Official Information Act 1982, please provide the following information relating to the internal "High Performance" event featuring speaker James Laughlin:
- The total amount paid to James Laughlin for his services, including speaker fees and any related expenses.
- The cumulative cost of hosting the event, specifically including:
-- Food and catering expenses
-- Venue hire
-- Travel expenses (flights, mileage, transfers)
-- Accommodation costs for any speakers or guests that travelled
-- Any additional miscellaneous or incidental expenses associated with the event.
- The full agenda for the event.
- Details of how invitations were distributed, including the criteria for selecting attendees and copies of invitation materials.
- A detailed breakdown specifying the exact number and percentage of attendees who were internal staff versus external customers or stakeholders, including who covered the costs for external attendees.
- Information and supporting documentation detailing who selected James Laughlin - and how the organisation identified deficiencies in internal performance or capability that justified engaging James Laughlin to speak on the topic of "High Performance." Include any assessments, evaluations, internal communications, or relevant documentation.
Please treat this request with urgency, as it concerns the appropriate use of public funds.
I note that public reference of the event was a send off to Craig Hudson. Please confirm if this was correct.
Yours faithfully,
Sarah Hillsdene
From: Ministerials
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Kia ora Sarah,
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 request (the Act) to NZTE, received 11 March 2025 requesting:
Under the Official Information Act 1982, please provide the following information relating to the internal "High Performance" event featuring speaker James Laughlin:
- The total amount paid to James Laughlin for his services, including speaker fees and any related expenses.
- The cumulative cost of hosting the event, specifically including:
-- Food and catering expenses
-- Venue hire
-- Travel expenses (flights, mileage, transfers)
-- Accommodation costs for any speakers or guests that travelled
-- Any additional miscellaneous or incidental expenses associated with the event.
- The full agenda for the event.
- Details of how invitations were distributed, including the criteria for selecting attendees and copies of invitation materials.
- A detailed breakdown specifying the exact number and percentage of attendees who were internal staff versus external customers or stakeholders, including who covered the costs for external attendees.
- Information and supporting documentation detailing who selected James Laughlin - and how the organisation identified deficiencies in internal performance or capability that justified engaging James Laughlin to speak on the topic of "High Performance." Include any assessments, evaluations, internal communications, or relevant documentation.
Please treat this request with urgency, as it concerns the appropriate use of public funds.
I note that public reference of the event was a send off to Craig Hudson. Please confirm if this was correct.
In accordance with the Act, NZTE will make a decision on your request as soon as reasonably practicable and within 20 working days of 11 March 2025. The latest date for a decision on your request is 8 April 2025.
Kind regards
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