Protocols for the involvement of Crown solicitors in private prosecutions
Grace Haden made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice
The request was partially successful.
From: Grace Haden
Dear Ministry of Justice,
The RNZSPCA is a private organisation which has law enforcemnt powers under section 121 of the animal welfare act
The criminal procedure act sets out a specific path for private prosecutions in section 26 The act defines private prosecutions and crown prosecutions in section 5
In case law S and ors V Vector and ors SC 58/2019 [2020] NZSC 97 the supreme court noted [126] the Law Commission identified five categories of private prosecutors:
(a) local and quasi-public bodies, including state-owned enterprises;( The foot note to this read Law Commission Criminal Prosecution (NZLC R66, 2000) at [256]–[257]. Note that the first category identified is no longer within the definition of “private prosecution” under s 5 of the Criminal Procedure Act.)
(b) private agencies as recognised or established by statute that either have the responsibility for the enforcement of a particular enactment, or have assumed it, such as the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand.
(c) organisations accepted as having an interest in enforcing particular statutes, such as the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA);
(d) individuals or commercial enterprises (such as insurance companies) acting in their own cause; and
(e) in what the Law Commission identified as a new development, private prosecutions undertaken as a business
Sections [127] -[134] the supreme court discusses the screening mechanism provided by section 26 and its ability to reduce risks and provide good practice
This decision is dated 21 September 2020
Crown solicitors have been and are continuing to file documents in the court for and on behalf of the RNZSPCA .
the Private prosecutions are portrayed in court as " crown prosecutions " and at times decisions have been misrepresented as " R v " due to evidence being presented as " crown evidence " and the prosecutor being referred to as " the crown in both verbal and written communications by the crown solicitor and the judge
the implications are that there is not a fair hearing as the robust crown procedures which precede filing and the necessary compliance with the solicitor general’s guide lines are absent .
This has led to hearings being manifestly unfair as crown evidence has less scrutiny to private evidence and has led to changes being made such as swapping out one legal entity for another due to the rules allowing Crown solicitors to do this when this option is not available in this simple form for private prosecutions
Prosecutions have by passed the requirements of section 26 compliance and no evidence has been provided with regards to section 12 . persons charged have failed to have the evidence, which should have been provided before filing was accepted ,disclosed to them years after the charges were filed and their animals destroyed .
Section 13 makes it mandatory for the act to be complied with
BY way of OIA
1. what instructions have been given to registrar with regards to identifying private prosecutions and ensuring that sections 12 and 26 are complied with
2.what safeguards are in place to ensure that private prosecutions cannot masquerade as crown prosecution and by what process this can be rectified if filed incorrectly
3. Provide any discussion papers any notes which addresses the use of crown prosecutors for private prosecutions
4. Provide any exemptions which allow for crown prosecutors to file and manage private prosecutions as though they are crown prosecutions
5. the remedies which are available for this breach of rights to a fair hearing for persons charged by the RNZSPCA and its previous associated incorporated societies .
many of these persons do not have the ability to challenge this and the public would expect the ministry to police its own processes and correct any action which is ultra vires and or protect the prosecution process and the integrity of our Justice system
Yours faithfully,
Grace Haden
Ministry of Justice
Tēnā koe,
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Ministry of Justice
Tēnā koe Grace,
Official information request
I refer to your official information request dated 20 February 2025
1. what instructions have been given to registrar with regards to
identifying private prosecutions and ensuring that sections 12 and 26
are complied with
2.what safeguards are in place to ensure that private prosecutions
cannot masquerade as crown prosecution and by what process this can be
rectified if filed incorrectly
3. Provide any discussion papers any notes which addresses the use of
crown prosecutors for private prosecutions
4. Provide any exemptions which allow for crown prosecutors to
file and manage private prosecutions as though they are crown
5. the remedies which are available for this breach of rights to a
fair hearing for persons charged by the RNZSPCA and its previous
associated incorporated societies .
many of these persons do not have the ability to challenge this and
the public would expect the ministry to police its own processes and
correct any action which is ultra vires and or protect the prosecution
process and the integrity of our Justice system
We have transferred parts 2-4 to Crown Law (CL). The information to which
your request relates is not held by us but is believed to be more closely
connected with the functions of CL. In these circumstances, we are
required by section 14 of the Official Information Act to transfer your
request. You will hear further from CL concerning that part of your
request. You can contact them at: [1][email address]
You have the right to complain to the Ombudsman New Zealand about my
decision to transfer your request. The Ombudsman’s contact details are
available at: [2]Ombudsman New Zealand | Tari o te Kaitiaki Mana Tangata
The rest of your request will be responded to by the Ministry of Justice
(the Ministry). You can expect a response by 20/03/2025.
The Ministry may publish the response to your request on our website, you
can expect that if your OIA is to be published that this will take place
at least 10 working days after it has been sent you. Your name and any
other personal information will be withheld under Section 9(2)(a) (protect
the privacy of natural persons).
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services
Communications and Ministerial Services | Corporate Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture [3]
show quoted sections
From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice
Kia ora Grace
Please find attached a response to your request regarding Crown Solicitors
in Private Prosecutions.
Ngā mihi
[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)
Ph: 027 291 7573
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From: OIA
Kia ora Grace
As you know, the Ministry of Justice partially transferred your official
information request of 20 February 2025 to Crown Law on 25 February 2025.
In accordance with section 15 of the Official Information Act, a response
to part of your request will be provided as soon as is reasonably
practicable, and in any case within 20 working days of receipt of your
request, i.e. by 25 March 2025.
Ngā mihi nui | Kind regards
Te Tari Ture o te Karauna Crown Law Office
19 Aitken Street | PO Box 2858 | Wellington 6011
[1]A picture containing text Description automatically generated
show quoted sections
From: OIA
Kia ora Grace
Please see attached for the response to your Official Information Act
request of 20 February 2025.
Kind regards | Ngā mihi nui
Te Tari Ture o te Karauna Crown Law Office
19 Aitken Street | PO Box 2858 | Wellington 6011
[1]A picture containing text Description automatically generated
show quoted sections
From: Grace Haden
Dear OIA,
thank you for your response
You cannot simply deny that confusion does not occur papers are filed in the court which infer that the prosecutor is a crown prosecutor and make reference to "crown "evidence .
this has occured in the matter of Glover and wallis in a prosecution brought by the RNZSPCA initially through the Auckland SPCA a seperate legal entity and then switched to the RNZSPCA through use of a crown solictor
the crown solicitors file the documents and memoranda are filed "intituled office of the crown solictor" and memoranda have been entitled Crown memoranda judges have refered to the matters as crown prosecution and in one case it was intityled R V Glover
please conduct an investigation into this if you do not then we will have to refer this to the ombudsmen as there is a ton of evidence that this has been occuring and continues to occur .. just simply request the court file and you will see the evidence of this
It is a matter of public concern and relates to fairness under section 25 & 27 BORA
Yours sincerely,
Grace Haden
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