Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
Craig Innes made this Official Information request to Ministry of Māori Development
Ministry of Māori Development did not have the information requested.
From: Craig Innes
Tena koe,
Please supply all information relating to the issues of workplace bullying and/or sexual harassment at the Waitangi Tribunal since 2016 as they relate to the records of Chief Executive.
Naku noa, na,
Craig Innes
From: MB - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development
Tēnā koe Craig
Attached is our response to your below request.
Ngā mihi
| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri House,|
| 143 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011, |
| Ministerial Services | New Zealand |
| Ratonga Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
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