Effectiveness of changes to COMP500.

ZB made this Official Information request to Auckland University of Technology

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Auckland University of Technology should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: ZB

Dear Auckland University of Technology,

Please provide all documentation and correspondence regarding the effectiveness of
changes to the class "COMP500" between semester one 2021 and semester two 2024.

This includes the forms of evidence outlined in the "indicative evidence"
section of the AUT Academic Expectations policy, with the exception of specific
SPEQ feedback responses or any other information that would breach the privacy
of any specific student.

This policy can be found here: https://www.aut.ac.nz/rc/autincludes/get...

If including any of the outlined information would cause this request to be refused,
please omit it and state which policy necessitated the omission.

- ZB

Link to this

Things to do with this request

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