NZ Maths
Louise Quinn made this Official Information request to Ministry of Education
The request was partially successful.
From: Louise Quinn
Dear Ministry of Education,
Why has the NZ Maths been discontinued?
This website contained one of THE most comprehensive collections of resources for students and teachers I have ever used, with a user friendly layout that allowed for easy navigation.
It has been replaced with this:
Which I can only describe as a jumbled mess of a website that does not contain the comprehensive content that was on NZ (far from it). It is also virtually impossible to navigate, with no options to filter easily by level, topic, unit etc.
1. How much money has been wasted on this 'project'?
2. Who signed off on the decision to get rid of NZ maths when not only was it an excellent resource for NZ teachers, it was used by teachers from overseas (Australia and Ireland for example).
3.Why replace a top class website with something that resembles a webpage created by someone starting out in website design?
4.Can this disaster please be reversed?
Many thanks,
Louise Quinn.
From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education
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From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education
Kia ora Louise
Thank you for your request for information below. The Ministry will
consider and respond to your request in accordance with the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act).
Under section 15(1) of the Act, we are required to make and inform you of
our decision on your request as soon as reasonably practicable and in any
case not later than 20 working days after the day on which your request is
received. You can therefore expect to receive our decision on your
request on or before the 23 December 2024. If more than 20 working days
are needed due to the potential workload and/or consultations involved in
answering your request, we will notify you accordingly.
The Ministry may publicly release on our website the response to your
request five days after you have received it. Any personal information
will be removed.
In the interim, if you have any questions about your request, please email
[1][email address].
Ngā mihi
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education - TW
[2] | [3]Follow us on Twitter: @educationgovtnz
[4]Te TD huhu o te MD tauranga
-----Original Message-----
From: Louise Quinn <[5][FOI #29308 email]>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2024 2:20 AM
To: Enquiries National <[6][email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - NZ Maths
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Dear Ministry of Education,
Why has the NZ Maths been discontinued?
This website contained one of THE most comprehensive collections of
resources for students and teachers I have ever used, with a user friendly
layout that allowed for easy navigation.
It has been replaced with this:
Which I can only describe as a jumbled mess of a website that does not
contain the comprehensive content that was on NZ (far from it). It is also
virtually impossible to navigate, with no options to filter easily by
level, topic, unit etc.
1. How much money has been wasted on this 'project'?
2. Who signed off on the decision to get rid of NZ maths when not only was
it an excellent resource for NZ teachers, it was used by teachers from
overseas (Australia and Ireland for example).
3.Why replace a top class website with something that resembles a webpage
created by someone starting out in website design?
4.Can this disaster please be reversed?
Many thanks,
Louise Quinn.
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
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9. https://newzealandcurriculum.tahurangi.e...
10. mailto:[FOI #29308 email]
11. mailto:[Ministry of Education request email]
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From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education
Kia ora Louise
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi
Official and Parliamentary Information | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga
| Ministry of Education | KJ
8 Gilmer Terrace, Wellington
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ōna huanga
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error please notify the author immediately and erase all copies of the
email and attachments. The Ministry of Education accepts no
responsibility for changes made to this message or attachments after
transmission from the Ministry.
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence