Winston using sociopaths to authoriser murder hits

Gangstalkersnz made this Official Information request to Winston Peters

This request has been reported as needing administrator attention (perhaps because it is vexatious, or a request for personal information)

From: Gangstalkersnz

Dear Winston Peters,

Winston Peters hello Winston, I believe there is a non negotiable contract on my head from a.couple of fried out ladies and a certain gang you've used to get to me (sociopaths i get it), this is now negotiated . They are to get off my devices, emails, wifi and they won't be followed around, you do this because of Christchurch? What about our own people...and the csam investigation, what are you trying to do? Last 3 days have been stalking me with a sophisticated surveillance system, guess we'll call em out, defamation, compo, contract null and void :) have a mr peters, ps.they need to put the pipe down and have a sleep

I want to.know why you have done this ? And why its taken so long? Isn't the government meant to be cracking down on gangs but your working with them to take me out ? A 501 product of your policies crimmigration and can see the lies and deceit

Winston if.youd like to discuss this give me a call or email back on 0225312447. If.your aware they have access/hacked all my accounts (nothing can be used against me ) some.enter the rear of my property and use cameras up against the wall to spy on me, I will have them.up for defamation and harassment If you don't have me killed ,

Can I suggest maybe don't deport 501s to nz if you want Christchurch kept under wraps, I have terrible ptsd from fireworks blowing people up and killing them , this looks very strange a govt official using sociopaths to wipe me out , then them 🤔

Have a good day mr petees 3 days they've been out there now

Yours faithfully,

The lost ozzie getting gang stalked courtesy

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From: Winston Peters (MIN)
Winston Peters

Dear Correspondent  


Thank you for contacting Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister for Racing.  


The Deputy Prime Minister considers all correspondence important and
appreciates you taking the time to write.   


Please note that since the Deputy Prime Minister receives a large amount
of correspondence, it is not always possible to personally reply to all


The following guidelines apply: 


·         Invitations and requests to meet with the Deputy Prime Minister
will be processed as soon as possible and a staff member will be in
contact with you in due course. 

·         Media queries will be responded to by a staff member. 

·         Requests for official information will be managed in accordance
with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982, which may include
transfer to a more relevant Minister or agency. 

·         If your email falls outside of the Deputy Prime Minister's
portfolio responsibilities, expresses a personal view, or is copied to
multiple Members of Parliament, then your opinion will be noted and your
correspondence may be transferred to another office, or there may be no
further response to you. 

·         If your correspondence is to the Minister as the Member of
Parliament or Party Leader of New Zealand First, this may be referred to
the New Zealand First Leader’s office. 


(If your invitation or meeting request is accepted - please note
information about meetings related to the Ministers’ portfolios will be
proactively released (this does not include personal or constituency
matters). For each meeting in scope, the summary would list: date, time
(start and finish), brief description, location, who the meeting was with,
and the portfolio. If you attend a meeting with the Minister on behalf of
an organisation, the name of the organisation will be released. If you are
a senior staff member at an organisation, or meet with the Minister in
your personal capacity, your name may also be released. The location of
the meeting will be released, unless it is a private residence. The
proactive release will be consistent with the provisions in the Official
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1993 you have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we
hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is
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meeting disclosure, please contact the sender. You can read more about the
proactive release policy at


(Please note that this acknowledgement is an automatically generated




The Office of Rt Hon Winston Peters



Visible links

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From: Winston Peters (MIN)
Winston Peters

Attachment image001.gif
8K Download

Dear Gangstalkersnz, 

Thank you for your email dated 25 October 2024, in which you said the

Dear Winston Peters,

Winston Peters hello Winston, I believe there is a non negotiable contract
on my head from a.couple of fried out ladies and a certain gang you've
used to get to me (sociopaths i get it), this is now negotiated . They are
to get off my devices, emails, wifi and they won't be followed around, you
do this because of Christchurch? What about our own people...and the csam
investigation, what are you trying to do? Last 3 days have been stalking
me with a sophisticated surveillance system, guess we'll call em out,
defamation, compo, contract null and void :) have a mr peters,
ps.they need to put the pipe down and have a sleep

I want to.know why you have done this ? And why its taken so long? Isn't
the government meant to be cracking down on gangs but your working with
them to take me out ? A 501 product of your policies crimmigration and can
see the lies and deceit

Winston if.youd like to discuss this give me a call or email back on
0225312447. If.your aware they have access/hacked all my accounts (nothing
can be used against me ) some.enter the rear of my property and use
cameras up against the wall to spy on me, I will have them.up for
defamation and harassment If you don't have me killed 

Can I suggest maybe don't deport 501s to nz if you want Christchurch kept
under wraps, I have terrible ptsd from fireworks blowing people up and
killing them , this looks very strange a govt official using sociopaths to
wipe me out , then them 🤔

Have a good day mr petees 3 days they've been out there now

Yours faithfully,

The lost ozzie getting gang stalked courtesy

The primary function of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) is to
allow individuals to access Official Information held by Ministers and
government departments. 

However, based on the wording of your email, you are not requesting
specific Official Information, and it’s unclear to us what you are asking
for. Therefore, we do not consider your correspondence as a request under
the OIA and will not be replying as such. 

If you believe your personal safety is at risk, please call the Police at

Kind regards, 

Office of Rt Hon Winston Peters
Deputy Prime Minister

Minister of Foreign Affairs |

Minister for Racing |

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand




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Things to do with this request

Winston Peters only: