
James made this Official Information request to New Zealand Defence Force

Currently waiting for a response from New Zealand Defence Force, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: James

Dear New Zealand Defence Force,

Under the OIA please provide the following:

Country and rank/position of any foreign military/intelligence service personal on board the HMS Manawanui at the time the ship struck the reef.

Confirmation of any shipping containers on board, if so what was the contents?

Confirmation of any anchor drag, if so how long in terms of distance and time?

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

Good afternoon James.

Your request below has been received and a decision on your request will be provided as soon as possible and no later than 11 November 2024. Responses to requests for information that are considered to be in the wider public interest will be published on the New Zealand Defence Force website (www.nzdf.mil.nz).


Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force

-----Original Message-----
From: James [mailto:[FOI #28733 email]]
Sent: Friday, 11 October 2024 9:28 p.m.
To: Ministerial Services <[NZDF request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Operations

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Dear New Zealand Defence Force,

Under the OIA please provide the following:

Country and rank/position of any foreign military/intelligence service personal on board the HMS Manawanui at the time the ship struck the reef.

Confirmation of any shipping containers on board, if so what was the contents?

Confirmation of any anchor drag, if so how long in terms of distance and time?

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,



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Things to do with this request

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