Programming production costs

Eli Templeton made this Official Information request to Radio New Zealand Limited

The request was partially successful.

From: Eli Templeton

Dear Radio New Zealand Limited,

Can a breakdown of the cost of producing different Radio New Zealand shows please be provided? for example: How much does it cost to produce Mediawatch? How much does it cost to produce the Nights programme? etc

What are the costs of producing content for Tahi FM?

Yours faithfully,

Eli Templeton

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From: OIA Requests
Radio New Zealand Limited

RNZ acknowledges receipt of your OIA request. Under the Official Information Act 1982 we have 20 working days to respond and will contact you via email /post. If for any reason our response is delayed we will advise you.
Kind regards
Maggie Hedge| OIA Administrator RNZ
[email address]

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From: George Bignell
Radio New Zealand Limited

Kia ora Eli

Due to staff illness we expect that a response to your Official Information Act (OIA) request below will be delivered by the end of next week. Section 15A of the OIA applies.

As we are required to do, this message is to also advise you that our response to your request can be referred to the Ombudsman’s Office for review under s28 (3) of the Act if you wish.

Kind regards

George Bignell| OIA Inquiries Coordinator
DDI +64 4 474 1424 | [mobile number]

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From: George Bignell
Radio New Zealand Limited

Attachment image001.png
9K Download

Kia ora Eli


We simply do not hold the information you seek with respect to the
production of individual programmes in your request below.  Under the
Official Information Act we are required to advise you that this aspect 
of your request request is refused under s18(e) of the Official
Information Act as the information does not exist.


We may be able to provide you with some information for the production of
content for TAHI but as mentioned in our reply to your other OIA request,
our small Finance department is currently fully committed preparing RNZ's
draft Annual Report and engaging in the annual audit round with external
auditors to provide our 2023-2024 accounts to our Board and Parliament
within statutory timeframes.  For this reason we will need to extend the
deadline for a response to those other aspects of your inquiry for another
month, to Monday November 4, 2024.


You have a right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision.  Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1]  or freephone 0800 802 602.


Ngā mihi


George Bignell

RNZ, PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand, 6140 

DDI +64 4 474 1424

Mobile: +64 27 491 2246




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From: George Bignell
Radio New Zealand Limited

Kia ora Eli

Following up me earlier reply to you, I can confirm that the operating costs for TAHI FM for 2024-2025 are expected to be $288,000.

Kind regards

George Bignell | Complaints Coordinator
RADIO NEW ZEALAND | LEVEL 2 | 155 THE TERRACE PO BOX 123 | WELLINGTON | NEW ZEALAND 6140 | DDI +64 4 474 1424 | [mobile number]

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Things to do with this request

Radio New Zealand Limited only: