Engagement with Israeli Embassy

Andrew Riddell made this Official Information request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Currently waiting for a response from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Andrew Riddell

Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

I request a schedule of the dates on which officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade have engaged with the staff at the Embassy of the State of Israel, including the Ambassador, both in person and in correspondence since 7 October 2023. The schedule should include the job titles of the Ministry staff and whether the particular engagement was at the ambassador level or not.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Riddell

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Kia ora and thank you for your email.

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Kia ora Andrew Riddell

Thank you for your OIA request received on 11 July 2024 for:

I request a schedule of the dates on which officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade have engaged with the staff at the Embassy of the State of Israel, including the Ambassador, both in person and in correspondence since 7 October 2023. The schedule should include the job titles of the Ministry staff and whether the particular engagement was at the ambassador level or not.

This email confirms receipt of your request and advises that we will respond to it as soon as reasonably practicable, and in terms of the timeframes and requirements of the OIA.

Please note that our response letter to you (with your personal details redacted), and any enclosed documents, may be published on the Ministry’s website.

Ngâ mihi

Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatû Aorere

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