Cost of yearly membership of Local Government New Zealand

Angela-fay. made this Official Information request to Southland District Council

Currently waiting for a response from Southland District Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Angela-fay.

Dear Southland District Council,

Please can you tell me the cost of yearly membership for the Southland District Council in Local Government New Zealand; (LGNZ).

Yours faithfully,


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From: SDC
Southland District Council

Kia Ora, 

Thank for you getting in contact with Southland District Council. This is
an auto-reply to confirm we have received your email.

This email inbox is not monitored outside  the hours of 8.30am-5pm Monday
to Friday or on Public holidays

If this matter is urgent please call 0800 732 732 to speak with our team. 


Kind regards,

|| Customer Support |
|| Southland District Council |
|| PO Box 903 |
|| Invercargill  9840 |
|| P: 0800 732 732 |
|| [1] |




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1. Original URL: Click or tap if you trust this link.

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Things to do with this request

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