Landlords Voting Who Live Outside of PNCC Wards/Electorate.
Karl Pearce made this Official Information request to Palmerston North City Council
The request was successful.
From: Karl Pearce
Kia Ora Palmerston North City Council (PNCC),
I would like to know several things in regards to Landlords voting who live outside of PNCC voting electorate/wards boundaries please and thank you.
1) During just the last election 2022 how many votes were recorded in Palmerston North City Council Elections that LIVED outside of the city boundaries/wards? (Not Special Votes).
2) Are those rental properties that are in trusts, whether family trusts or business trusts included in the ability to vote in PNCC elections if they live outside of the city.
2A) If yes to (2), Are those who are considered beneficiaries and or trustees also able to vote in PNCC local body elections if they live outside of the PNCC ward/s or electorate.
3) Does the above also apply to Business sites ie shops or stores, factories buildings etc.
3) Does PNCC have "rural" wards?
And finally please tell me the act/s of parliament and/or local council act/s that allows for landlords who reside outside city ward boundaries to vote in wards/electorates they don't reside in but own a property.
Thank you for your time I look forward to your prompt reply.
Yours faithfully, Nga Mihi
Karl Pearce (BSW.Hons).
Palmerston North City Council
Thank you for your email. We will respond as soon as possible.
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Palmerston North City Council
06 356 8199
From: LGOIMA Requests
Palmerston North City Council
Kia ora Karl,
We have received your official information request
We received your request on 6/6/2024 for information on whether landlords,
businesses, trustees voted in the 2022 Palmerston North City Council
We will do our best to respond to your request as soon as possible and no
later than 5/7/2024. Please note this takes into account Matariki on 28
June. If we aren’t able to respond to your request within this 20 working
day period, we will let you know.
We are working on your request
We are currently gathering any information we hold that relates to your
request. If we need to clarify anything, we'll get in touch with you.
On some occasions we need to charge for the cost of labour and materials
involved in making information available, or for making information
available urgently. If a charge is required, we will let you know before
your request is processed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by emailing
[1][email address]. Your reference number is LGOIMA SRC0149277.
Ngā mihi
Legal Officer
Āpiha Ture
Official Information Team
Legal Services
Palmerston North City Council
[2][IMG] Te Marae o Hine − 32 The Square
Private Bag 11034, Palmerston North 4442
06 356 8199
From: [4][FOI #27155 email]
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 2:33 PM
To: [5][Palmerston North City Council request email]
Subject: Official Information request - Landlords Voting Who Live Outside
of PNCC Wards/Electorate.
Kia Ora Palmerston North City Council (PNCC),
I would like to know several things in regards to Landlords voting who
live outside of PNCC voting electorate/wards boundaries please and thank
1) During just the last election 2022 how many votes were recorded in
Palmerston North City Council Elections that LIVED outside of the city
boundaries/wards? (Not Special Votes).
2) Are those rental properties that are in trusts, whether family trusts
or business trusts included in the ability to vote in PNCC elections if
they live outside of the city.
2A) If yes to (2), Are those who are considered beneficiaries and or
trustees also able to vote in PNCC local body elections if they live
outside of the PNCC ward/s or electorate.
3) Does the above also apply to Business sites ie shops or stores,
factories buildings etc.
3) Does PNCC have "rural" wards?
And finally please tell me the act/s of parliament and/or local council
act/s that allows for landlords who reside outside city ward boundaries to
vote in wards/electorates they don't reside in but own a property.
Thank you for your time I look forward to your prompt reply.
Yours faithfully, Nga Mihi
Karl Pearce (BSW.Hons).
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[6][FOI #27155 email]
Is [7][Palmerston North City Council request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Palmerston North City Council? If so, please contact us using
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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
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From: LGOIMA Requests
Palmerston North City Council
Kia ora Karl,
I refer to your official information request received on 6 June 2024 for
information on whether landlords, businesses, trustees voted in the 2022
Palmerston North City Council elections
Our response
Q1. During just the last election 2022 how many votes were recorded in
Palmerston North City Council Elections that LIVED outside of the city
boundaries/wards? (Not Special Votes).
In the 2022 Palmerston North City Council elections, 61 ordinary votes and
nine special votes were received from ratepayer electors.
Q2. Are those rental properties that are in trusts, whether family trusts
or business trusts included in the ability to vote in PNCC elections if
they live outside of the city.
Yes, provided the person nominated to vote on behalf of the entity
ratepayer is enrolled on the residential electoral roll outside of the
Palmerston North City Council area. Further information, including a Guide
to Joint and Entity ratepayers is available here:
[1]enrolment-form-for-ratepayer-electors-2022.pdf (
Q2A. If yes to (2), are those who are considered beneficiaries and or
trustees also able to vote in PNCC local body elections if they live
outside of the PNCC ward/s or electorate.
Yes, provided the person nominated to vote on behalf of the entity
ratepayer is enrolled on the residential electoral roll outside of the
Palmerston North City Council area. The Trust deed of each individual
trust may provide who can be nominated as the entity ratepayer.
Q3. Does the above also apply to Business sites ie shops or stores,
factories buildings etc.
Yes, provided the person nominated to vote on behalf of the ratepayer
entity is enrolled on the residential electoral roll outside of the
Palmerston North City Council area.
Q4. Does PNCC have "rural" wards?
We do not have rural wards. Palmerston North City Council has two wards,
Te Pūao - Māori Ward, and Te Hirawanui - General Ward. Both wards are
city-wide and cover the entirety of the Palmerston North City Council
Q5. And finally please tell me the act/s of parliament and/or local
council act/s that allows for landlords who reside outside city ward
boundaries to vote in wards/electorates they don't reside in but own a
The eligibility of ratepayer electors are covered in [2]section 24 of the
Local Electoral Act 2001.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[3] or freephone 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi,
Legal Advisor
Kaitohutohu ā-Ture
Official Information Team
Legal Services
Palmerston North City Council
[4][IMG] Te Marae o Hine − 32 The Square
Private Bag 11034, Palmerston North 4442
06 356 8199
From: [6][FOI #27155 email]
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 2:33 PM
To: [7][Palmerston North City Council request email]
Subject: Official Information request - Landlords Voting Who Live Outside
of PNCC Wards/Electorate.
Kia Ora Palmerston North City Council (PNCC),
I would like to know several things in regards to Landlords voting who
live outside of PNCC voting electorate/wards boundaries please and thank
1) During just the last election 2022 how many votes were recorded in
Palmerston North City Council Elections that LIVED outside of the city
boundaries/wards? (Not Special Votes).
2) Are those rental properties that are in trusts, whether family trusts
or business trusts included in the ability to vote in PNCC elections if
they live outside of the city.
2A) If yes to (2), Are those who are considered beneficiaries and or
trustees also able to vote in PNCC local body elections if they live
outside of the PNCC ward/s or electorate.
3) Does the above also apply to Business sites ie shops or stores,
factories buildings etc.
3) Does PNCC have "rural" wards?
And finally please tell me the act/s of parliament and/or local council
act/s that allows for landlords who reside outside city ward boundaries to
vote in wards/electorates they don't reside in but own a property.
Thank you for your time I look forward to your prompt reply.
Yours faithfully, Nga Mihi
Karl Pearce (BSW.Hons).
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[8][FOI #27155 email]
Is [9][Palmerston North City Council request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Palmerston North City Council? If so, please contact us using
this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
Visible links
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9. mailto:[Palmerston North City Council request email]
From: Karl Pearce
Kia Ora Kate PNCC Legal LGOIMA Requests,
Thank you very much Kate your replys have been most enlightening nga mihi.
Yours sincerely, Nga mihi,
Karl Pearce.
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