Double tracking on the NIMT between Amokura and Te Kauwhata and Ngaruawahia Bridge

Isaac Morrison made this Official Information request to KiwiRail

The request was partially successful.

From: Isaac Morrison

Dear KiwiRail,

I was looking through the North Island Electrification Study and remember reading that back in 2021 that a business case was performed or funds had been allocated into investigating the possibly of double tracking the remainder of the NIMT between Auckland and Hamilton.

I am wondering if anything has become of this especially now that Te Huia funding has been continued and Kiwirail focusing more on this corridor for freight. If so are there any plans for track realignment in the future for this segment especially if Te Hiua proves to be an success as this would enable faster passenger and freight services.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you as it would be great to see what has been done to fill in this section with double track and would that look like for both fright and passengers.

Yours faithfully,

Isaac Morrison

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From: Shauni James Howard

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Kia ora Isaac,


I'd like to acknowledge receipt of your official information request for
information on a North Island Electrification Study business case and, if
so, whether there any plans for track realignment in the future for this


We received your request on 5 June 2024 and will endeavour to respond to
your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than 4 July
2024 i.e. the 20 working days after the day your request was received.


If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of
an extension of that timeframe.



Shauni James  |  Communications Adviser


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From: Shauni James Howard

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Kia ora Isaac,


Please find the below in response to your official information request for
information on whether a business case was performed or funds had been
allocated into investigating the possibility of double tracking the
remainder of the NIMT between Auckland and Hamilton.


While we did not have a business case done in regard to investigating the
possibility of double tracking the remainder of the NIMT between Auckland
and Hamilton, below are some reports in relation to this topic, and some
information regarding double tracking between Auckland and Hamilton.


o The Ministry of Transport undertook some work to investigate Hamilton
to Auckland Connectivity in 2020. It explored some of the options for
greater use of rail and enhancements to the rail infrastructure. You
can find out more here: [1]Hamilton-Auckland Intercity Connectivity |
Ministry of Transport  


o There has also been an inter-organisation Programme Business Case
(PBC) completed for Auckland Metro Rail network. As it is a passenger
and freight network, both modes were considered. Further, as there are
origin-destination demands on Auckland Metro network related to the
Waikato/Bay of Plenty regions, these flows were also contemplated in
the PBC work. You can find out more here: [2]Auckland Rail Programme
Business Case | KiwiRail


o KiwiRail is currently undertaking investigations into decarbonising
freight operations for the Golden Triangle (between
Auckland-Hamilton-Tauranga). Electrification options are being
explored, and there may be additional benefits that support regional
passenger rail opportunities.


o Regarding further double tracking between Auckland and Hamilton, there
are no active projects currently considering this. As with most
infrastructure investments, when there is demand (or forecast demand)
that exceeds the capacity of the network, it would be expected that
increasing the rail line’s capacity would be considered to meet
customer needs (noting that capacity improvements could be made
through a number of different ways: signalling enhancements to reduce
train headways, improvements in rolling stock/associated operations,
increasing line speed, enhancing crossing loops, double tracking,

This release is under the OIA, and as such you have the right to seek an
investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available at
[3] or freephone 0800 802 602.




Shauni James  |  Communications Adviser


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does not warrant that this email and its contents are free from computer
viruses or other defects.



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Things to do with this request

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