Railway bridges, - Westport to Sergeants Hill

Kevin Smith made this Official Information request to KiwiRail

The request was partially successful.

From: Kevin Smith

Dear KiwiRail,

I am wishing to know what work was completed on the bridges on the line that runs parallel to Stephen Rd, Westport.

That section between Kew Road out to Sergeants Hill previously ran over a series of trestle bridges in the vicinity of McKenna's Creek.

The main bridge adjacent to the new road bridge appears to have been rebuilt with steel webbed beams.

The other bridges in that region have also been repaired or modified, some being replaced by a causeway and series of culverts.

My questions are pertaining to the dates and consents obtained for this work.

The consenting authority would be the WCRC.

I would also like to see the correspondence between Kiwirail and the WCRC concerning this stretch of bridge network since 13 July 2022.

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Smith

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Kevin Smith left an annotation ()

I made a mistake with the date.

It should read 13th July 2021 and not 2022.

There were two lots of floods and the railway line was damaged in both events.

The July 2021 date was when NEMA first became aware that the railway line across the overflow channel could become a problem.
I did say WCRC but NEMA may have corresponded directly with Kiwirail over that period also.

The other request was for the modification work on the bridge and the causeway, they could stretch back 20 years or so.


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From: Shauni James Howard

Attachment image001.png
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Kia ora Kevin,


I'd like to acknowledge receipt of your official information request for
information on what work was completed on the bridges on the line that
runs parallel to Stephen Rd, Westport; the dates and consents obtained for
this work; and the correspondence between KiwiRail and the WCRC concerning
this stretch of bridge network since 13 July 2022.


We received your request on 21 April 2024 and will endeavour to respond to
your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than 20 May
2024 i.e. the 20 working days after the day your request was received.


If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of
an extension of that timeframe.



Shauni James  |  Communications Adviser


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1. http://www.kiwirail.co.nz/

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From: Shauni James Howard

Attachment image001.png
3K Download

Kia ora Kevin,


As advised, we are working on your official information request.


I refer to your official information request dated 21 April 2024 for
information on what work was completed on the bridges on the line that
runs parallel to Stephen Rd, Westport; the dates and consents obtained for
this work; and the correspondence between KiwiRail and the WCRC concerning
this stretch of bridge network since 13 July 2022.


The OIA requires that we advise you of our decision on your request no
later than 20 working days after the day we received your request.
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to meet that time limit and we are
therefore writing to notify you of an extension of the time to make our
decision, to 17 June 2024.

We are extending it by four weeks due to the time needed to compile the
information, need for consultation, and to put it in good order. 



Shauni James  |  Communications Adviser

MOB: +64 27 230 7426


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Visible links
1. http://www.kiwirail.co.nz/

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From: Shauni James Howard

Attachment image001.png
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Attachment Finalised WCRC conditions Redacted.pdf
284K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Kevin,

Please find the below information and attached document in response to
your official information request for information on what work was
completed on the bridges on the line that runs parallel to Stephen Rd,
Westport; the dates and consents obtained for this work; and the
correspondence between KiwiRail and the WCRC concerning this stretch of
bridge network since 13 July 2022.

o Bridge 122 – This was replaced with culverts in 2004. A non-publicly
notified consent was submitted to West Coast Regional Council and all
stakeholders were contacted. Responses were received from all except
Regional Council. Regional Council cannot at this time source the
document, nor can KiwiRail.
o Bridge 123 – This was replaced in 2008 under RC07176 - COASTAL PERMITS
The term of RC07176/8 is for 35 years from the date of issue. The term
of RC07176/9-14 is for 1 year from the date of issue.
o Bridge 124 – This was constructed in 1987 – Pre Resource Management
Act 1991 (RMA). There are no known consents for this work.


In regard to maintenance of these structures, replacement of track
materials such as sleepers, rail, fastenings etc. are undertaken as
permitted activities. Any activities that are otherwise in the waterway or
presumed to affect the waterway and/or the coastal environment, will be
carried out subject to permitted activity rules within relevant regional
and/or district plans, or an approved consent being obtained prior.

In conversation with current employees and reviewing KiwiRail internal
document systems, there is no correspondence between KiwiRail and West
Coast Regional Council specifically relating to this ‘stretch of bridge
network’ since 13 July 2022. 

This release is under the OIA, and as such you have the right to seek an
investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available at
[1]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.



Shauni James  |  Communications Adviser

MOB: +64 27 230 7426


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use is expressly prohibited. This email may have been corrupted or
interfered with. KiwiRail
does not warrant that this email and its contents are free from computer
viruses or other defects.



Visible links
1. http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/
2. http://www.kiwirail.co.nz/

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Things to do with this request

KiwiRail only: