Disciplinary Procedures

R Everitt made this Official Information request to Commerce Commission

The request was successful.

From: R Everitt

Dear Commerce Commission,

For each of the three years ended 30 June 2014, and the current year to date:
1. How many formal staff disciplinary processes were conducted?
2. How many staff were put through these processes and what branch of the Commission did they work in?
3. What were the outcomes (by Branch) of these processes,eg. how many peope dismissed, how many first warning lasting 6 months, how many resigned, etc?
4. How many staff lodged Personal Grievance actions against the Commission?
5. How many times did the Commission use a third-party mediator to attempt to resolve grievances/staff disputes?
6. What did the Commission spend on external legal advice in relation to disciplinary processes/personal grievances/staff disputes?

Yours faithfully,

R Everitt

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From: Contact
Commerce Commission

Thank you for contacting the Commerce Commission. Your complaint or enquiry will be recorded in our database.

If you have contacted us with a complaint, then it will go through our assessment process to determine if the matters raised are within the Commission’s jurisdiction and whether it meets our enforcement criteria<http://www.comcom.govt.nz/the-commission...>. This process can take up to two months, we will contact you once it has been completed. You can find out more about our complaints process in our fact sheet<http://www.comcom.govt.nz/the-commission...>.

If you have any supporting information or documents relating to your complaint please retain them, and we will contact you if they are required.

If your enquiry was a request for information under the Official Information Act this will be responded to within 20 working days.

If you have a general enquiry we will respond as soon as we can. In the meantime, please take a look at our fact sheets (Fair Trading<http://www.comcom.govt.nz/fair-trading/f...>, Competition<http://www.comcom.govt.nz/business-compe...>, Consumer Credit<http://www.comcom.govt.nz/consumer-credi...> or Regulated Industries<http://www.comcom.govt.nz/regulated-indu...>) where you may find the answer to your question.

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From: OIA Requests
Commerce Commission

Dear R Everitt

We acknowledge receipt of your request on 20 April 2015.

Section 12(1) of the Official Information Act (OIA) provides that requests can only be made by New Zealand citizens, permanent residents, people in New Zealand, and bodies corporate that are incorporated or have a place of business in New Zealand.

It would therefore be appreciated if you could please contact me via email at [email address] to confirm your eligibility to make a request under the OIA. If you fall within one of the categories of people set out in section 12(1) of the OIA we can then consider your questions.

Kind regards

Alexandra Donnison

Name: R Everitt
Email: [OIA #2635 email]


For each of the three years ended 30 June 2014, and the current year to date:
1. How many formal staff disciplinary processes were conducted?
2. How many staff were put through these processes and what branch of the Commission did they work in?
3. What were the outcomes (by Branch) of these processes,eg. how many peope dismissed, how many first warning lasting 6 months, how many resigned, etc?
4. How many staff lodged Personal Grievance actions against the Commission?
5. How many times did the Commission use a third-party mediator to attempt to resolve grievances/staff disputes?
6. What did the Commission spend on external legal advice in relation to disciplinary processes/personal grievances/staff disputes?


This is an OIA request done via the FYI website.

Please do not send progress updates as PDF files.

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an OIA officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA page.


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From: R Everitt

Dear OIA Requests,

The note you sent me asked me to email you but there was no email address. In response to your query about my eligibility, I am a New Zealand citizen and my passport number is [personal information removed]

Yours sincerely,

R Everitt

Link to this

From: OIA Requests
Commerce Commission

Thank you for contacting the New Zealand Commerce Commission.

If your request is for information under the Official Information Act (OIA) we will respond to it within 20 working days.

If your enquiry is not a request for information under the OIA, please contact our Contact Centre, on 0800 943 600 or [Commerce Commission request email]<mailto:[Commerce Commission request email]>

OIA Co-ordinator
Information Systems | Organisational Performance
Commerce Commission l Te Komihana Tauhokohoko
44 The Terrace l PO Box 2351 l Wellington 6140 l New Zealand
E: [email address]<mailto:[email address]>

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From: OIA Requests
Commerce Commission

Dear R Everitt

Thank you for confirming your eligibility to make a request under the OIA.

We are currently considering your questions. We will make a decision on your request as soon as reasonably practicable, but by no later than 20 May 2015.

Kind regards
Alexandra Donnison

show quoted sections

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Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) left an annotation ()

I've hidden your passport number from the site for you.

We also automatically hide email addresses to prevent spam, which is why you couldn't see one when they asked. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers#mobiles

In future if you do need to find one out (e.g. to send them private information like a passport number) please email us using the "contact FYI" link at the bottom of every page and we will get it for you.

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From: OIA Requests
Commerce Commission

Attachment OIA 2425 Response Letter.pdf
361K Download View as HTML

Dear R Everitt


Please find attached the Commerce Commission’s response to your Official
Information Act request.


Kind regards,


Rosie Brown

OIA Coordinator | Knowledge and Information

Commerce Commission l Te Komihana Tauhokohoko

44 The Terrace l PO Box 2351 l Wellington 6140 l New Zealand l
[1][email address]



Follow us on Twitter [2]@NZComCom




Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.twitter.com/nzcomcom

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Things to do with this request

Commerce Commission only: