Intern Roles

Jake Lotter made this Official Information request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The request was successful.

From: Jake Lotter

Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

Could you please provide a summary of intern or fixed term junior roles offered by the Ministry or any of its High Commissions/Missions over the last 5 years.

In particular, details about the location and number of roles offered.

Secondly, I am requesting an analysis of these roles offered overseas, and how the employment terms would compare if mapped against minimum employment standards in NZ, including:
- Minimum Wage compliance
- Holiday Pay/ annual leave entitlements
- Sick leave and forge types of leave
- work hours and after hours contracts

To avoid doubt, I am not requesting individual or personal data and suggest that data should be presented in a table with only the location of the role identifying the position.

Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,
Jake Lotter

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Kia ora Jake Lotter

Thank you for your OIA request received on 5 April 2024 for:
Could you please provide a summary of intern or fixed term junior roles offered by the Ministry or any of its High Commissions/Missions over the last 5 years.

In particular, details about the location and number of roles offered.

Secondly, I am requesting an analysis of these roles offered overseas, and how the employment terms would compare if mapped against minimum employment standards in NZ, including:
- Minimum Wage compliance
- Holiday Pay/ annual leave entitlements
- Sick leave and forge types of leave
- work hours and after hours contracts

To avoid doubt, I am not requesting individual or personal data and suggest that data should be presented in a table with only the location of the role identifying the position.
This email confirms receipt of your request and advises that we will respond to it as soon as reasonably practicable, and in terms of the timeframes and requirements of the OIA.

Please note that our response letter to you (with your personal details redacted), and any enclosed documents, may be published on the Ministry’s website.

Ngâ mihi

Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatû Aorere

-----Original Message-----
From: Jake Lotter <[FOI #26324 email]>
Sent: Friday, 5 April 2024 12:15 pm
To: ENQUIRIES <[MFAT request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Intern Roles

Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

Could you please provide a summary of intern or fixed term junior roles offered by the Ministry or any of its High Commissions/Missions over the last 5 years.

In particular, details about the location and number of roles offered.

Secondly, I am requesting an analysis of these roles offered overseas, and how the employment terms would compare if mapped against minimum employment standards in NZ, including:
- Minimum Wage compliance
- Holiday Pay/ annual leave entitlements
- Sick leave and forge types of leave
- work hours and after hours contracts

To avoid doubt, I am not requesting individual or personal data and suggest that data should be presented in a table with only the location of the role identifying the position.

Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,
Jake Lotter


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #26324 email]

Is [MFAT request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


"The information contained in this email message is intended only for the addressee and is not necessarily the official view or communication of the Ministry. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or distribute this message or the information in it. If you have received this message in error, please email or telephone the sender immediately."

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From: ESD
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Tēnā koe Jake Lotter,


Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request regarding
intern & fixed term junior roles offered by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and Trade (the Ministry).


The information you have requested is not held centrally, as each
division/team and post are responsible for the advertising of roles in
their area, in accordance with official guidelines and  subject to formal
approval processes. As such , collating the information you have requested
would require a search of employment records of every team at the Ministry
which we believe would have an unreasonable impact on this agencies
ability to carry out its other functions.  If we have reason to believe
that responding to an OIA would have such an impact on Ministry
operations, it is likely that OIA will be refused under section 18(f) of
the OIA, that the information requested cannot be made available without
substantial collation or research.


Therefore, we ask if you would be willing to narrow the scope of your
request to information regarding intern or fixed-term junior roles in a
specific overseas geographic region, or with a specific division or post?


We would appreciate if you could please let us know by 17 April
(Wednesday). If we do not hear from you by this date, the Ministry will
proceed with the wording of your original request.

Please note that any clarification or amendment of a request is considered
to be a new request for the purpose of calculating the maximum statutory
timeframe for response (section 15(1AA) of the OIA refers).

Ngā mihi,



Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere





-----Original Message-----

From: Jake Lotter <[1][FOI #26324 email]>

Sent: Friday, 5 April 2024 12:15 pm

To: ENQUIRIES <[2][MFAT request email]>

Subject: Official Information request - Intern Roles


Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,


Could you please provide a summary of intern or fixed term junior roles
offered by the Ministry or any of its High Commissions/Missions over the
last 5 years.


In particular, details about the location and number of roles offered.


Secondly, I am requesting an analysis of these roles offered overseas, and
how the employment terms would compare if mapped against minimum
employment standards in NZ, including:

- Minimum Wage compliance

- Holiday Pay/ annual leave entitlements

- Sick leave and forge types of leave

- work hours and after hours contracts


To avoid doubt, I am not requesting individual or personal data and
suggest that data should be presented in a table with only the location of
the role identifying the position.


Many thanks.


Yours faithfully,

Jake Lotter




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[3][FOI #26324 email]


Is [4][MFAT request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade? If so, please contact
us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA






"The information contained in this email message is intended only for the
addressee and is not necessarily the official view or communication of the
Ministry. It may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended
recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or distribute this message or
the information in it as this may be unlawful. If you have received this
message in error, please email or telephone the sender immediately."


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1. mailto:[FOI #26324 email]
2. mailto:[MFAT request email]
3. mailto:[FOI #26324 email]
4. mailto:[MFAT request email]

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From: Jake Lotter

Dear ESD,

Could I please narrow my request to roles in North America only and those of an internship nature only (e.g. for a short/fixed period and targeted at early career individuals).

The original questions still apply. I trust this sufficiently narrows the scope to enable a response.

Thank you.
Yours sincerely,

Jake Lotter

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From: ESD
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Attachment OIA 29287 Jake Lotter Response.pdf
218K Download View as HTML


Tēnā koe Jake Lotter,


On behalf of the Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade, please see
attached the response to your OIA request.


Ngā mihi,


Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere







"The information contained in this email message is intended only for the
addressee and is not necessarily the official view or communication of the
Ministry. It may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended
recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or distribute this message or
the information in it as this may be unlawful. If you have received this
message in error, please email or telephone the sender immediately."

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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade only: