We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Saber please sign in and let everyone know.

Information relating to Tekau Plus, Fomana and NZ Bio Forestry

Saber made this Official Information request to Ministry of Māori Development

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Saber to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Saber

Dear Ministry of Māori Development,

I am requesting documents and communications relating to Te Puni Kōkiri and:

Tekau Plus and/or;

Between 2008 to 2011.

Yours faithfully,


Link to this

From: Mailbox - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development

Tēnā koe

Thank you for your email. This is an automatic reply to let you know we
received it.

If you are submitting an Official Information Act request, in accordance
with the Act, we'll let you know our decision within no more than 20
working days. If you'd like to calculate the timeframe, you can use the
Ombudsman's online calculator here: http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/

Sometimes we may need to clarify aspects of a request. You can expect to
hear from us soon if that is the case here.

Please note, we publish some of our Official Information Act responses on
our web site. We will not publish your name or contact details.

If you have any questions while we're processing your request, please let
us know via [TPK request email]

Ngā mihi

Link to this

Saber left an annotation ()

Apologies, I would like to clarify that NZ Bio Forestry is also under the request despite not being listed along with Fomana and Tekau Plus. Thanks - D.

Link to this

From: Mailbox - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development

Attachment image001.png
5K Download

Attachment image002.png
1K Download

Attachment image003.png
1K Download

Attachment image004.png
1K Download

Tēnā koe Dermot


Thank you for your below request for information.


We note that the Official Information Act requires requests to be made
with due particularity and your current request is very broad.


Te Puni Kōkiri works across government and the private sector to support
Māori Development and we have a range of responsibilities. As we engage
with various groups for a number of reasons, it would be helpful if you
could specify the subject matter to which your request relates.


If you able to advise the subject matter, to which any documents and
communications relate in regards to Tekau Plus, Fomana, NZ Bio Forestry,
this will assist us with our search.


Ngā mihi


| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |
| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |
| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |
| Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
|  National Office     Zealand |
|   [2]sign-tpkwebsite  [3]Te Puni |
| [1]sign-tpklogo Kōkiri Website    [4]sign-kokiri  |
| [5]Kōkiri Magazine    |
| [6]sign-facebook  [7]Facebook |


-----Original Message-----
From: Saber <[8][FOI #26224 email]>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2024 5:01 PM
To: Mailbox - OIA <[9][TPK request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Information relating to Tekau
Plus, Fomana and NZ Bio Forestry


[You don't often get email from
[10][FOI #26224 email]. Learn why this is
important at [11]https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentific... ]


Dear Ministry of Māori Development,


I am requesting documents and communications relating to Te Puni Kōkiri


Tekau Plus and/or;



Between 2008 to 2011.


Yours faithfully,






This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[12][FOI #26224 email]


Is [13][TPK request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests
to Ministry of Māori Development? If so, please contact us using this



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA









Visible links
3. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
5. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
7. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/
8. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
9. mailto:[TPK request email]
10. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
11. https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentific...
12. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
13. mailto:[TPK request email]
14. https://fyi.org.nz/change_request/new?bo...
15. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers

hide quoted sections

Link to this

From: Mailbox - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development

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5K Download

Attachment image002.png
1K Download

Attachment image003.png
1K Download

Attachment image004.png
1K Download

Tēnā koe Dermot


We are emailing to follow up on our below email of 5 April 2024, seeking
clarification on the subject matter to which your request relates.


We would be grateful if you could please respond as soon as possible,
otherwise we will make a decision based on your original request.


Ngā mihi


| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |
| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |
| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |
| Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
|  National Office     Zealand |
|   [2]sign-tpkwebsite  [3]Te Puni |
| [1]sign-tpklogo Kōkiri Website    [4]sign-kokiri  |
| [5]Kōkiri Magazine    |
| [6]sign-facebook  [7]Facebook |





From: Mailbox - OIA <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 1:51 PM
To: [FOI #26224 email]
Cc: Mailbox - OIA <[email address]>
Subject: OIA 48399


Tēnā koe Dermot


Thank you for your below request for information.


We note that the Official Information Act requires requests to be made
with due particularity and your current request is very broad.


Te Puni Kōkiri works across government and the private sector to support
Māori Development and we have a range of responsibilities. As we engage
with various groups for a number of reasons, it would be helpful if you
could specify the subject matter to which your request relates.


If you able to advise the subject matter, to which any documents and
communications relate in regards to Tekau Plus, Fomana, NZ Bio Forestry,
this will assist us with our search.


Ngā mihi


| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |
| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |
| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |
| Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
|  National Office     Zealand |
|   [9]sign-tpkwebsite  [10]Te Puni |
| [8]sign-tpklogo Kōkiri Website    [11]sign-kokiri |
| [12]Kōkiri Magazine    |
| [13]sign-facebook  [14]Facebook |


-----Original Message-----
From: Saber <[15][FOI #26224 email]>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2024 5:01 PM
To: Mailbox - OIA <[16][TPK request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Information relating to Tekau
Plus, Fomana and NZ Bio Forestry


[You don't often get email from
[17][FOI #26224 email]. Learn why this is
important at [18]https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentific... ]


Dear Ministry of Māori Development,


I am requesting documents and communications relating to Te Puni Kōkiri


Tekau Plus and/or;



Between 2008 to 2011.


Yours faithfully,






This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[19][FOI #26224 email]


Is [20][TPK request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests
to Ministry of Māori Development? If so, please contact us using this



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA









Visible links
3. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
5. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
7. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/
10. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
12. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
14. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/
15. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
16. mailto:[TPK request email]
17. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
18. https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentific...
19. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
20. mailto:[TPK request email]
21. https://fyi.org.nz/change_request/new?bo...
22. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers

hide quoted sections

Link to this

From: Saber

Can I please ask for any reports or reviews that mention funding arrangements (including reviews or reports of previous funding) between the aforementioned companies and Te Puni Kōkiri within the timeframe I previously specified?



Link to this

From: Mailbox - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development

Attachment image001.png
5K Download

Attachment image002.png
1K Download

Attachment image003.png
1K Download

Attachment image004.png
1K Download

Tçnâ koe Dermot


Thank you for clarifying your request. Please note, any clarification or
amendment of a request is considered to be a new request for the purpose
of calculating the maximum statutory timeframe for response—see section
15(1AA) of the Official Information Act for futher information. You can
expect to receive a response on or before Monday 13 May.



Ngâ mihi


| Te Puni Kôkiri, Te Puni Kôkiri |
| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |
| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |
| Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
|  National Office     Zealand |
|   [2]sign-tpkwebsite  [3]Te Puni |
| [1]sign-tpklogo Kôkiri Website    [4]sign-kokiri  |
| [5]Kôkiri Magazine    |
| [6]sign-facebook  [7]Facebook |


Can I please ask for any reports or reviews that mention funding
arrangements (including reviews or reports of previous funding) between
the aforementioned companies and Te Puni Kôkiri within the timeframe I
previously specified?






-----Original Message-----


Tçnâ koe Dermot




We are emailing to follow up on our below email of 5 April 2024, seeking 
clarification on the subject matter to which your request relates.




We would be grateful if you could please respond as soon as possible, 
otherwise we will make a decision based on your original request.




Ngâ mihi





| Te Puni Kôkiri, Te Puni Kôkiri |

| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |

| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |  | Minita
PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |  |  National Office     Zealand |  |  
[2]sign-tpkwebsite  [3]Te Puni |  | [1]sign-tpklogo Kôkiri Website   
[4]sign-kokiri  |  | [5]Kôkiri Magazine    |  | [6]sign-facebook 
[7]Facebook | 










From: Mailbox - OIA <[email address]>

Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 1:51 PM

To: [FOI #26224 email]

Cc: Mailbox - OIA <[email address]>

Subject: OIA 48399




Tçnâ koe Dermot




Thank you for your below request for information.




We note that the Official Information Act requires requests to be made 
with due particularity and your current request is very broad.




Te Puni Kôkiri works across government and the private sector to support 
Mâori Development and we have a range of responsibilities. As we engage 
with various groups for a number of reasons, it would be helpful if you 
could specify the subject matter to which your request relates.




If you able to advise the subject matter, to which any documents and 
communications relate in regards to Tekau Plus, Fomana, NZ Bio Forestry, 
this will assist us with our search.




Ngâ mihi





| Te Puni Kôkiri, Te Puni Kôkiri |

| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |

| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |  | Minita
PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |  |  National Office     Zealand |  |  
[9]sign-tpkwebsite  [10]Te Puni |  | [8]sign-tpklogo Kôkiri Website   
[11]sign-kokiri |  | [12]Kôkiri Magazine    |  | [13]sign-facebook 
[14]Facebook | 





Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[8][FOI #26224 email]


Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA






Visible links
3. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
5. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
7. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/
8. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
9. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers

hide quoted sections

Link to this

From: Mailbox - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development

Attachment image001.png
5K Download

Attachment image002.png
1K Download

Attachment image003.png
1K Download

Attachment image004.png
1K Download

Tēnā koe Dermot


I am writing to you regarding your below request for information.


The Official Information Act requires that we advise you of our decision
on your request no later than 20 working days after the day we received
your clarified request of 13 April 2024. Unfortunately, it will not be
possible to meet that time limit and we are therefore writing to notify
you of an extension of the time to make a decision to 14 June 2024.


The extension is required because consultations necessary to make a
decision on your request are such that a proper response cannot reasonably
be made within the original time limit. This extension is being made in
accordance with section 15A of the Official Information Act 1982.


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.


Ngā mihi



| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri House, |
| 143 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011, New |
| Ministerial Services | Te Zealand |
| Toko Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
| National Office Zealand |
| [2]sign-tpklogo [3]sign-tpkwebsite[4]Te Puni Kōkiri |
| Website [5]sign-kokiri[6]Kōkiri |
| Magazine [7]sign-facebook[8]Facebook |



From: Mailbox - OIA [9][email address]
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2024 3:35 PM
To: [10][FOI #26224 email]
Cc: Mailbox - OIA [11][email address]
Subject: OIA 48399


Tēnā koe Dermot


Thank you for clarifying your request. Please note, any clarification or
amendment of a request is considered to be a new request for the purpose
of calculating the maximum statutory timeframe for response—see section
15(1AA) of the Official Information Act for further information. You can
expect to receive a response on or before Monday 13 May.



Ngā mihi


| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri House, |
| 143 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011, New |
| Ministerial Services | Te Zealand |
| Toko Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
| National Office Zealand |
| [12]sign-tpklogo [13]sign-tpkwebsite[14]Te Puni Kōkiri |
| Website [15]sign-kokiri[16]Kōkiri |
| Magazine [17]sign-facebook[18]Facebook |


-----Original Message-----
From: Saber [19][FOI #26224 email]
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2024 6:44 PM
To: Mailbox - OIA [20][email address]
Subject: Re: FW: OIA 48399


Can I please ask for any reports or reviews that mention funding
arrangements (including reviews or reports of previous funding) between
the aforementioned companies and Te Puni Kōkiri within the timeframe I
previously specified?







-----Original Message-----


Tēnā koe Dermot




We are emailing to follow up on our below email of 5 April 2024, seeking 
clarification on the subject matter to which your request relates.




We would be grateful if you could please respond as soon as possible, 
otherwise we will make a decision based on your original request.




Ngā mihi





| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |

| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |

| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |  | Minita
PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |  |  National Office     Zealand |  |  
[2]sign-tpkwebsite  [3]Te Puni |  | [1]sign-tpklogo Kōkiri Website   
[4]sign-kokiri  |  | [5]Kōkiri Magazine    |  | [6]sign-facebook 
[7]Facebook | 




From: Mailbox - OIA <[email address]>

Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 1:51 PM

To: [FOI #26224 email]

Cc: Mailbox - OIA <[email address]>

Subject: OIA 48399




Tēnā koe Dermot




Thank you for your below request for information.




We note that the Official Information Act requires requests to be made
with due particularity and your current request is very broad.




Te Puni Kōkiri works across government and the private sector to support
Māori Development and we have a range of responsibilities. As we engage 
with various groups for a number of reasons, it would be helpful if you 
could specify the subject matter to which your request relates.




If you able to advise the subject matter, to which any documents and
communications relate in regards to Tekau Plus, Fomana, NZ Bio Forestry, 
this will assist us with our search.




Ngā mihi





| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |

| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |

| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |  | Minita
PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |  |  National Office     Zealand |  |  
[9]sign-tpkwebsite  [10]Te Puni |  | [8]sign-tpklogo Kōkiri Website   
[11]sign-kokiri |  | [12]Kōkiri Magazine    |  | [13]sign-facebook 
[14]Facebook | 



-----Original Message-----
From: Saber [21][FOI #26224 email]
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2024 5:01 PM
To: Mailbox - OIA [22][TPK request email]
Subject: Official Information request - Information relating to Tekau
Plus, Fomana and NZ Bio Forestry


[You don't often get email from
[23][FOI #26224 email]. Learn why this is
important at [24]https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentific... ]


Dear Ministry of Māori Development,


I am requesting documents and communications relating to Te Puni Kōkiri


Tekau Plus and/or;



Between 2008 to 2011.


Yours faithfully,






This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[25][FOI #26224 email]


Is [26][TPK request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests
to Ministry of Māori Development? If so, please contact us using this



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA






Visible links
1. http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/
4. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
6. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
8. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/
9. mailto:[email address]
10. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
11. mailto:[email address]
14. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
16. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
18. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/
19. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
20. mailto:[email address]
21. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
22. mailto:[TPK request email]
23. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
24. https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentific...
25. mailto:[FOI #26224 email]
26. mailto:[TPK request email]
27. https://fyi.org.nz/change_request/new?bo...
28. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers

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Link to this

From: Mailbox - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development

Attachment image001.png
5K Download

Attachment image002.png
1K Download

Attachment image003.png
1K Download

Attachment image004.png
1K Download

Attachment OIA 48399 Letter of Response.pdf
200K Download View as HTML

Attachment 01.FOMANA Research and legal advice Report 1.pdf
2.9M Download View as HTML

Attachment 02.SmartFund Monitoring report.pdf
281K Download View as HTML

Attachment 03.FOMANA Research Report 2.pdf
7.3M Download View as HTML

Attachment 04.SmartFund Monitoring report.pdf
538K Download View as HTML

Attachment 05.Tekau Plus Six Monthly Report 30 June 2008.pdf
1.9M Download View as HTML

Attachment 06.Tekau Plus Quarterly Report 30 September 2008.pdf
799K Download View as HTML

Attachment 07.Tekau Plus Six Monthly Report 30 December 2008.pdf
1.5M Download View as HTML

Attachment 08.Tekau Plus Quarterly Report 30 March 2009.pdf
1.0M Download View as HTML

Attachment 09.Tekau Plus Six Monthly Report 30 June 2009.pdf
1.5M Download View as HTML

Attachment 10.Tekau Plus Quarterly report 30 September 2009.pdf
1.3M Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe Dermot


Please find attached the response to your information request. Due to the
large size of the files this will be sent to you in 3 emails.


Ngā mihi


| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |
| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |
| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |
| Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
|  National Office     Zealand |
|   [2]sign-tpkwebsite  [3]Te Puni |
| [1]sign-tpklogo Kōkiri Website    [4]sign-kokiri  |
| [5]Kōkiri Magazine    |
| [6]sign-facebook  [7]Facebook |




Visible links
3. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
5. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
7. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/

Link to this

From: Mailbox - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development

Attachment image001.png
5K Download

Attachment image002.png
1K Download

Attachment image003.png
1K Download

Attachment image004.png
1K Download

Attachment 11.SmartFund Monitoring report.pdf
605K Download View as HTML

Attachment 12.FOMANA Risk and audit Report 3.pdf
5.4M Download View as HTML

Attachment 13.SmartFund Monitoring report.pdf
255K Download View as HTML

Attachment 14.FOMANA Case Study Report Report 4.pdf
6.3M Download View as HTML

Attachment 15.Memo Tekau Plus Contract Payment Authorisation.pdf
368K Download View as HTML

Attachment 16.FOMANA Charities Compliance Model Report 5.pdf
3.0M Download View as HTML

Attachment 17.SmartFund Monitoring report.pdf
269K Download View as HTML

Attachment 18.Memo Tekau Plus Legal Advice on Investment Agreement.pdf
270K Download View as HTML

Attachment 19.FOMANA Training Delivery Report Report 6.pdf
5.3M Download View as HTML

Attachment 20.SmartFund Monitoring report.pdf
457K Download View as HTML

Email 2 of 3



| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |
| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |
| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |
| Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
|  National Office     Zealand |
|   [2]sign-tpkwebsite  [3]Te Puni |
| [1]sign-tpklogo Kōkiri Website    [4]sign-kokiri  |
| [5]Kōkiri Magazine    |
| [6]sign-facebook  [7]Facebook |




Visible links
3. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
5. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
7. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/

Link to this

From: Mailbox - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development

Attachment image001.png
5K Download

Attachment image002.png
1K Download

Attachment image003.png
1K Download

Attachment image004.png
1K Download

Attachment 21.PricewaterhouseCoopers Interim Report on Tekau Pus Financial Analysis.pdf
1.7M Download View as HTML

Attachment 22.FOMANA A training toolkit for M ori charities in the application of the charities compliance model Report 7.pdf
13.2M Download View as HTML

Attachment 23.SmartFund Monitoring report.pdf
492K Download View as HTML

Attachment 24.Tekau Plus M ori Agribusiness Project Value for Money Review.pdf
866K Download View as HTML

Attachment 25.FOMANA Results of Training Package delivery to M ori Charities Report 8.pdf
4.2M Download View as HTML

Attachment 26.SmartFund Monitoring report.pdf
281K Download View as HTML

Email 3 of 3



| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |
| House, 143 Lambton Quay, |
| Ministerial Services | Te Toko Wellington 6011, New Zealand |
| Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
|  National Office     Zealand |
|   [2]sign-tpkwebsite  [3]Te Puni |
| [1]sign-tpklogo Kōkiri Website    [4]sign-kokiri  |
| [5]Kōkiri Magazine    |
| [6]sign-facebook  [7]Facebook |




Visible links
3. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
5. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
7. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Saber please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Ministry of Māori Development only: