Beware of separatism

Santina Gibbs made this Official Information request to Karen Chhour

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Karen Chhour should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Santina Gibbs

Dear Karen Chhour,

On 30 Mar 2022 in Parliament General Debate you used a quote by Sir Peter Buck

"Beware of separatism. The Maori can do anything the Pakeha can do, but in order to achieve this we must all be New Zealanders first."

I want to use the quote and need to use in-text citations to reference my source could you please provide link to original text or information on when and where Peter Buck made the "beware of separatism" speech

Santina Gibbs

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From: Karen Chhour (MIN)
Karen Chhour

Dear Santina,

On behalf of Minister Chhour, thank you for writing and asking about the quote by Sir Peter Buck. Please see the below links:

It's also referenced here:

All the best,

Office of Hon Karen Chhour
Minister for Children | Prevention of Family & Sexual Violence

Website: www.Beehive,
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand

-----Original Message-----
From: Santina Gibbs <[FOI #25857 email]>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2024 3:59 PM
To: Karen Chhour (MIN) <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Beware of separatism

Dear Karen Chhour,

On 30 Mar 2022 in Parliament General Debate you used a quote by Sir Peter Buck

"Beware of separatism. The Maori can do anything the Pakeha can do, but in order to achieve this we must all be New Zealanders first."

I want to use the quote and need to use in-text citations to reference my source could you please provide link to original text or information on when and where Peter Buck made the "beware of separatism" speech.

Santina Gibbs


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From: Santina Gibbs

Dear Karen Chhour (MIN)
I need more information please. The first link you gave me took me to the Royal Society & the book - The Coming of the Maori—Peter H. Buck (1949) but that doesn't answer my question so I clicked the link to the online version of the book and searched The New Zealand Electronic Text Collection for the phrase "Beware of separatism" and I got ZERO results. If the quote is in the book could you please link to the page?

The second link you shared is just a letter to the editor of Sunlive News - R Paterson writes
"In 1998 I can recall a passage, circa 1940's, attributed to Sir Peter Buck (Te Rangi Hiroa), the noted maori politician and anthropologist"
Maybe he got it wrong?

I can't cite an anonymous letter to the editor I need the direct link to the Beware of separatism quote please

Yours sincerely,

Santina Gibbs

Link to this

From: Santina Gibbs

Dear Karen Chhour (MIN),
You gave me a link to the book,
The Coming of the Maori—Peter H. Buck (1949)
I downloaded the book from and searched the entire text and the word "separatism" isn't mentioned. You can try yourself. Have you actually read the "beware of separatism" quote? I'm starting to think it doesn't even exist

Yours sincerely,

Santina Gibbs

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Things to do with this request

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