OI 24 00047 Response- update V2

john luke made this Official Information request to Tertiary Education Commission

The request was successful.

From: john luke

Dear Tertiary Education Commission,

Thank you for your recent reply.

May I kindly ask, I noted, you said "Thank you for your email. Unfortunately the breakdown you have requested is not available and could not be provided for privacy reasons. When a group of people is five or less, there is a high possibility that individuals could be identified."

However, based on your reply, within "OI 24 00047" there are total of 78 applicants and divided by all entities ("11" entities as per your later reply- below), in average I count 7.09 per entities. therefore, may I kindly only seek the data for the entities who has received more than 5 applicants. e.g. Auckland University of Technology received 7 applications, Massey University received 8 applications. Thank you

Auckland University of Technology - 2
Massey University - 2
Victoria University Wellington - 1
University of Waikato - 1
University of Otago - 1
University of Auckland - 2
Lincoln University - 2
Te Pūkenga - up to 4
Ringa Hora - 1
Muka Tangata - up to 7
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa - 1

Yours faithfully,

john luke

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From: Ministerial Requests
Tertiary Education Commission

Kia ora John

Nominations (not applications) we receive often do not usually mention a specific institution. TEC only received one direct self-nomination so we are unable to identify this institution for privacy reasons.

Where nominees do express a preference, they want to be considered for either one or more institutions.

Sixteen people fell into these two categories (that is, they either expressed a preference for a single institution (6) or for multiple institutions (10). The remainder did not express any preferences.

Looking at the preferences expressed*:

University of Auckland was preferred eight times; Massey University was preferred seven times; Auckland University of Technology was preferred six times; and University of Waikato University was preferred five times.

No other institution was preferred five times or more.

*We do not start to group people by institution until after we have shortlisted against our criteria, so we don’t hold the information in the format or institution/applicant.

Ngā mihi
Ministerial and Privacy Services
Tertiary Education Commission
PO Box 27-048, Wellington, New Zealand

-----Original Message-----
From: john luke <[FOI #25827 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 10:54 PM
To: Ministerial Requests <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - OI 24 00047 Response- update V2

Dear Tertiary Education Commission,

Thank you for your recent reply.

May I kindly ask, I noted, you said "Thank you for your email. Unfortunately the breakdown you have requested is not available and could not be provided for privacy reasons. When a group of people is five or less, there is a high possibility that individuals could be identified."

However, based on your reply, within "OI 24 00047" there are total of 78 applicants and divided by all entities ("11" entities as per your later reply- below), in average I count 7.09 per entities. therefore, may I kindly only seek the data for the entities who has received more than 5 applicants. e.g. Auckland University of Technology received 7 applications, Massey University received 8 applications. Thank you

Auckland University of Technology - 2
Massey University - 2
Victoria University Wellington - 1
University of Waikato - 1
University of Otago - 1
University of Auckland - 2
Lincoln University - 2
Te Pūkenga - up to 4
Ringa Hora - 1
Muka Tangata - up to 7
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa - 1

Yours faithfully,

john luke


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