COP 28 expenditure

T Murray made this Official Information request to Simon Watts

The request was successful.

From: T Murray

Dear Simon Watts,

Could you please provide the cost of the Minister and accompanying staff to attend COP28 summit in Dubai.

Please advise the names of staff / department representatives and their position traveling with the Minister.

Expenditure should include and be broken down by type of expenditure such as meals, hotels, flights, taxis.

Yours faithfully,

T Murray

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From: Patricia Parre

Dear Mr Murray,

Thank you for your email. You have requested information on the cost of the Minister and accompanying staff to attend the COP28 summit in Dubai. The New Zealand COP28 delegation was large, and included (but was not limited to) staff from several Government departments, representatives from the private sector, and iwi/Mâori representatives. Because of this, it is necessary for us to clarify or amend your request to enable us to respond.

We have interpreted your request for the cost of "accompanying staff"... and "staff/department representatives" to mean "staff who are attending to accompany the Minister." This would exclude staff from departmental agencies who are travelling separately to support COP28 negotiations. Can you please confirm that you agree with this interpretation?

Please note, any clarification or amendment of a request is considered to be a new request for the purpose of calculating the maximum statutory timeframe for response under section 15(1AA) of the OIA.

Yours sincerely,


Patricia (Trish) Parre (she/her)| Private Secretary – Climate Change | Office of Hon Simon Watts MP
Minister of Climate Change

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From: T Murray

Dear Patricia Parre,

Thank you. I accept the clarification as suggested.

Yours sincerely,

T Murray

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From: Patricia Parre

Kia ora e hoa, I am on leave and will return to work on Tuesday 23rd of
January. If your request is time sensitive or urgent please contact James
Coombes ([email address])

Ngā mihi,




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From: Kataraina Anaru

Dear T Murray,

Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982. In December, our office contacted you to clarify the scope of your request, to confirm that your request related to the actual travel costs of the Ministerial Party only, related to Minister Watts' attendance at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai in December 2023 (COP28).

I am writing to you today to notify you that the timeline for replying to your request will be extended by ten working days to 26 February 2024. This is because the information you have requested can not reasonably be compiled within the original timeframe.

In the meantime, I point you towards the proactively released cabinet paper "Proposed Overseas Travel Hon Simon Watts", which details the estimated travel costs for this trip: Note that actual travel costs, which are the subject of your request for information, may differ from the estimated travel costs, which are outlined in the linked document.

As outlined above, we will revert to you with the Minister's response to your request for information no later than 26 February 2024.

You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision by contacting or freephone 0800 802 602.

Kind regards,
Kataraina Anaru
Private Secretary, International Climate Change

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From: Jack Boltar

Attachment image001.jpg
1K Download

Attachment OIA Response T Murray 26022024.pdf
74K Download View as HTML

Attachment Appendix 1.pdf
665K Download View as HTML

Good afternoon, Mr Murray.


Please find attached a response from Hon Simon Watts, Minister of Climate
Change and Minister of Revenue to your OIA request on 18 December


Kind regards,



[1]Crest Jack Boltar | Ministerial Advisor

Office of Hon Simon Watts

Minister of Climate Change | Minister of Revenue

E: [2][email address]

PH: +64 4 817 8380 | +64 21 841 392


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Things to do with this request

Simon Watts only: