Advice received before assigning Judith Collins her ministerial portfolios
Reuben Tilley made this Official Information request to Christopher Luxon
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Reuben Tilley to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Reuben Tilley
Dear Christopher Luxon,
I wish to inquire regarding advice received before assigning Judith Collins her ministerial portfolios below.
I believe it is in the public interest to understand what advice (if any) was received before said appointments, as the portfolios in trust are surprising with known facts and past allegations. The associated illegal dealings of direct family and extended family let alone personal behavior.
The Rt Hon John Key's stripping of her honorable title I thought would have been enough to not deem her suitable for the front bench.
In particular advice received around;
- Orividia & associated close ties with CCP officials
- The northland pipeline rupture of which again her husbands Kauri digging company was adjacent to.
- Allegations around her nephews involvement in drug smuggling & alleged protection by association to Collins
Portfolios she has been assigned:
Minister of Defence
Minister for Digitising Government
Minister Responsible for the GCSB
Minister Responsible for the NZSIS
Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology
Minister for Space
Yours faithfully,
Reuben Tilley
From: Christopher Luxon (MIN)
Christopher Luxon
Kia ora Reuben,
Thank you for your email of 13/12/23 in which you submitted an Official
Information Act request as follows:
In particular advice received around;
- Orividia & associated close ties with CCP officials
- The northland pipeline rupture of which again her husbands Kauri digging
company was adjacent to.
- Allegations around her nephews involvement in drug smuggling & alleged
protection by association to Collins
Your request is being considered in accordance with the Act, and you can
expect a response by 1/02/24.
Kind regards,
Charlotte Horner
Correspondence Unit
National Leader’s Office
Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
-----Original Message-----
From: Reuben Tilley <[1][FOI #25170 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 December 2023 9:55 PM
To: Christopher Luxon (MIN) <[2][email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Advice received before assigning
Judith Collins her ministerial portfolios
Dear Christopher Luxon,
I wish to inquire regarding advice received before assigning Judith
Collins her ministerial portfolios below.
I believe it is in the public interest to understand what advice (if any)
was received before said appointments, as the portfolios in trust are
surprising with known facts and past allegations. The associated illegal
dealings of direct family and extended family let alone personal behavior.
The Rt Hon John Key's stripping of her honorable title I thought would
have been enough to not deem her suitable for the front bench.
In particular advice received around;
- Orividia & associated close ties with CCP officials
- The northland pipeline rupture of which again her husbands Kauri digging
company was adjacent to.
- Allegations around her nephews involvement in drug smuggling & alleged
protection by association to Collins
Portfolios she has been assigned:
Minister of Defence
Minister for Digitising Government
Minister Responsible for the GCSB
Minister Responsible for the NZSIS
Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology Minister for Space
Yours faithfully,
Reuben Tilley
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From: Sarah Boyle
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