Interviews with Dell Reid regarding Sven Urban Hoglin and Heidi Pakkonen

k made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice

The request was refused by Ministry of Justice.

From: k

Dear Ministry of Justice,

I request under the OIA all interviews held by the police regarding the disappearance of Heidi Paakkonen and Sven Urban Hoglin during the investigation particularly those done by Dell Reid.

Yours faithfully,
Kristan Lopes

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Ministry of Justice

Kia ora,

Thank you for contacting the Official Information Act request mailbox for
the Ministry of Justice. 

We will endeavour to acknowledge your email within 2 working days.

You can find more information about how we can help you at our [1]Official
Information Act Requests page.

Please note that by law, when you ask for official information we have to
respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable and no later
than 20 working days after we receive it.


The Ministry of Justice may publish the response to your request on our
website, you can expect that if your OIA is to be published that this will
take place at least 10 working days after it has been sent you. Your name
and any other personal information will be withheld under Section 9(2)(a)
(protect the privacy of natural persons).


Please send any non-OIA related emails through to
o[2][email address] and any complaints through
to [3][email address]

Ngā mihi,

Ministerial Relations and Services

Governance and Assurance

Justice Centre I Aitken Street

DX Box SX 10088 I Wellington



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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora Kristan


Your query regarding interviews regarding Sven Hoglin and Heidi Pakkonen
has been received and acknowledged.


This has been logged as a Coronial Act Request (CAR), the Coronial
equivalent of an OIA.


The ID number for this is 108360, with a due date of 21 December 2023.


Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora Kristan


The Coronial Information team is putting together a response to your
request regarding Police interviews about the case of Sven Urban Hoglin
and Heidi Pakkonen.  They have asked me to seek some clarification about
your request.


You specifically asked for, 'all interviews held by Police regarding Sven
Urban Hoglin and Heidi Pakkonen, particularly those done by Dell Reid'.


I understand that within the Coronial files for the deceased there are no
police interviews, nor anything that mentions a Dell Reid.  Are you please
able to shed some light on who Dell Reid is, as that might be helpful.


Also, while there are no Police interviews as such, there are copies of
sworn depositions from key witnesses who appeared in court for the trial
of David Tamihere which may be of interest to you.


Can you please let me know whether you would be interested in receiving


Many thanks for your help with this.




Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: k

Dear May, Annie,

i am clarifying that interviewee's name was DS Read. A well known police officer at the time. I am sure you are familiar with the case.

Yours sincerely,
Kristan Lopes


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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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15K Download

Kia ora Kristan


Thanks so much for the prompt response.  I'll let Coronial Information


Had you had a chance to consider the other part of the clarification
regarding the whether you would like copies of the sworn depositions from
key witnesses who appeared in court, which are definitely on the file.


Thanks again for your help.




Ngā mihi  




Annie May

Senior Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora Kristan


Just wondering if you had had an opportunity to consider whether you would
like copies of the sworn depositions from key witnesses on the Hoglin and
Pakkonen file.


Thanks so much for your help with this.




Ngā mihi  




Annie May

Senior Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573





From: May, Annie
Sent: Wednesday, 6 December 2023 3:12 pm
To: 'k' <[FOI #24843 email]>
Cc: [email address]
Subject: RE: Your query regarding Sven Hoglin and Heidi Pakkonen


Kia ora Kristan


Thanks so much for the prompt response.  I'll let Coronial Information


Had you had a chance to consider the other part of the clarification
regarding the whether you would like copies of the sworn depositions from
key witnesses who appeared in court, which are definitely on the file.


Thanks again for your help.




Ngā mihi  




Annie May

Senior Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: k

Dear May, Annie,

Yes please.

All and any interviews with DS Read carried out during the time period of 1989 and 2018. Including Donald Turner Jnr.

Yours sincerely,


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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

Thanks for letting me know Kristan.

I'll pass this on to the team.

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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora ano Kristan


I’m sorry to bother you again, but the team does not believe there is
anything on file which meets your request regarding DS Read or Donald
Turner Jr.


They have confirmed that the only material held on the Coronial file from
witnesses are the sworn depositions from in court during David Tamihere’s
trial. These contain no mentions of a DS Read or Donald Turner Jnr
throughout the entire coronial file.


I understand that if you are looking for anything regarding DS Read or
Donald Turner Jnr you may need to seek that information from another


Can you please clarify if you want the actual sworn depositions from
witnesses who appeared in Court at David Tamihere’s trial, even though
they contain no mention of DS Read or Donald Turner Jnr.


If you do not wish to receive those, the request will be closed.


Thanks again for your help, Kristan.


Ngâ mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: k

Dear May, Annie,

I am afraid that you are quite incorrect. A series of interviews by DS Dell Read was carried out around the Whangamata area.It is well known that these statements were made to him and are held by police etc.

Yours sincerely,


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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora ano Kristan


As outlined in my earlier email, there are no records of Police interviews
by DS Read or any other officers on the Coronial Services file.


If you know that the Police hold such material, then you may be better off
approaching them.


Can you please let me know if you want the sworn witness depositions from
Mr Tamihere's trial.


Thank you for your help.




Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573




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From: k

Dear May, Annie,

Yes I will please and thank you for directing me to the minister of police.

Yours sincerely,


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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora Kristan


Thanks for letting me know.


I'll pass this on to the OIA team and let you know the timeframe for a


Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573





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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora Kristan


I have heard back from the team at this end that the sworn depositions
from the Tamihere file which you requested are part of the criminal court
file which is currently before the Court of Appeal.


This means your query cannot be considered as either an OIA or Coroners
Act Request.


If you wish to obtain these statements you will need to approach the High
Court directly.


These links will be useful to you as they explain how to request court






Ngā mihi  




[4]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: k

Dear May, Annie,

Could you please forward my OIA request regarding the interviews held by DS READ regarding the disappearance of Urban Hoglin and Heidi Pakkonen to the Police please asap.

Yours sincerely,


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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

Kia ora

I am on annual leave until Monday 8 January 2024.


If you need anything urgently, please contact the Ministry of Justice
media team:

[email address].


Otherwise I will come back to you on when I return to work.


Ngā mihi






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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora Kristan


As noted in our previous correspondence, the information you are
requesting forms part of the criminal court file, which is currently with
the Court of Appeal.


If you wish to access that information, you will need to fill in this



Once you've done that, you can sent the form to this email address:

[2][email address]



Ngā mihi  




[3]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573



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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Justice only: