Statistics of the Conciliation Services offered through the Family Court

Zane Collins made this Official Information request to Kiri Allan

The request was successful.

From: Zane Collins

Dear Kiri Allan,

In the Family Court, under the following sections of the Care of Children Act 2004:

- 46G Parties may be directed to counselling with an approved Family Court counsellor.
- 46O Judge may direct party to undertake parenting information programme. defined as parenting information programme means a programme specified as a parent‐
ing information programme in regulations made under this Act

I would like to know the total number of referrals made to above services since 2013 until 2023 (per year) and the costs of the total referrals (per year)

Also i would like to know if there are any existing evaluative researches have been conducted to measure the KPI's / outcomes of both service and we require copies of any researches/studies and if not available, is it planned to be done?

Yours faithfully,

Zane Collins

Link to this

From: K Allan (MIN)
Kiri Allan

Tçnâ koe

Thank you for contacting the Ministerial office of Hon Kiri
Allan, Minister for Justice, Minister for Regional Development and
Associate Minister for Transport.
While the Minister considers all correspondence to be very
important, Minister Allan receives a significant volume of correspondence
and it is not always possible to provide a personal response to every
email received:

* If your message is for Minister Allan’s advice, or if you have copied
your email to another Minister and/or Member of Parliament with more
appropriate portfolio responsibilities, then this will be noted,
* If you have invited Minister Allan to an event then a member of staff
may contact you for more information if the Minister’s attendance
might be possible,
* If you have made a request for official information then this will be
manged in accordance with the provisions of the Official Information
Act 1982, which may include transfer to a more relevant Minister or
* If you are a journalist then your request will be referred to the
Minister’s press secretary,
* If your correspondence is to the Minister as the Member of Parliament
for the East Coast, this will be referred to her electorate office.

To find out more about Minister Allan, please visit the Beehive Website.
Ngâ mihi nui,

The Office of Hon Kiritapu Allan
MP for East Coast
Minister of Justice
Minister of Regional Development
Associate Minister for Transport
4.5L |The Beehive | Wellington | Ph: +64 4 817 8719 | Postal Freepost
Parliament, Private Bag 18 041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New



Visible links
1. file://psvmfs06/MyDocs$/shawm/Desktop/

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From: Justice.Admin

Tēnā koe Zane Collins


Official information request


I refer to your official information request dated 12 May 2023 to the
Minister of Justice, Hon Kiri Allan, asking:


In the Family Court, under the following sections of the Care of Children
Act 2004:


- 46G  Parties may be directed to counselling with an approved Family
Court counsellor.

- 46O  Judge may direct party to undertake parenting information
programme. defined as parenting information programme means a programme
specified as a parent‐ ing information programme in regulations made under
this Act


I would like to know the total number of referrals made to above services
since 2013 until 2023 (per year) and the costs of the total referrals (per


Also i would like to know if there are any existing evaluative researches
have been conducted to measure the KPI's / outcomes of both service and we
require copies of any researches/studies and if not available, is it
planned to be done?  


The decision has been made to transfer your request to the Ministry of
Justice.  The information to which your request relates is believed to be
more closely connected with the functions of the Ministry. In these
circumstances, we are required by section 14 of the OIA to transfer your


Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to
review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be
contacted by email at: [email address] or by calling 0800 802


Ngā mihi



Office of Hon Kiri Allan MP
Reception +64 4 817 8732 | Ministerial Email [Kiri Allan request email] |
Web [1] | Postal Freepost Parliament, Private Bag 18 041,
Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand

Authorised by Hon Kiri Allan MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160,

New Zealand



show quoted sections

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From: May, Annie

Attachment image001.jpg
15K Download

Kia ora Zane


Your request to the Justice Minister regarding the Family Court has been
transferred to the Ministry for a response.


The OIA team has received and acknowledged your request.


The ID number for this is 104602, with a due date of 13 June 2023.


Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






Visible links

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From: Media

Attachment image001.jpg
15K Download

Attachment OIA 104602 104607 Collins Decision letter.pdf
247K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Collins


Please find a letter regarding your two current OIA requests.



Ngā mihi,

Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture






Visible links

Link to this

From: Easton, Paul

Attachment image001.jpg
15K Download

Attachment OIA 104602 104607 Collins 20 July 2023.pdf
497K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Collins,


Please find your OIA response attached. Please accept our apologies for
the time this has taken to get to you. 



Ngā mihi,

Paul Easton

Principal Media Advisor | Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture

027 276 9810

[1][email address] | [2]





Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

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Things to do with this request

Kiri Allan only: