Our Annual Report 2021/2022 Section V2

john luke made this Official Information request to Ministry for Ethnic Communities

The request was successful.

From: john luke

Dear Ministry for Ethnic Communities,

Thank you for your recent reply, ref: OIA2223-0532

I noted, you have "a Honours project team", may I request the org chart of this team. Also when does this team established?

I noted, "Information about the people’s service/contributions/achievements are gathered from formal and informal sources. " Can you specify, what formal means and what informal means, and please give example of some sources you have used.

Can you please also let me know how many nomination you have submitted to DIEC Minister for review, how many the DIEC Minister agreed to nominate and how many she disagreed.

I noted "the Ministry nominated 11 candidates for a New Zealand Royal Honour”, may I know if possible, what is the success rate of these candidates, e.g. how many candidates you nominated actually received the New Zealand Royal Honour.

Yours faithfully,

john luke

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Kia ora John


Please see attached response to your OIA request.


Ngā mihi,



Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Communities   

215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand

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-----Original Message-----

From: john luke <[4][FOI #21885 email]>

Sent: Monday, 20 February 2023 9:50 PM

To: Ministry for Ethnic Communities <[5][Ministry for Ethnic Communities request email]>

Subject: Official Information request - Our Annual Report 2021/2022
Section V2


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Dear Ministry for Ethnic Communities,


Thank you for your recent reply, ref:  OIA2223-0532


I noted, you have "a Honours project team", may I request the org chart of
this team. Also when does this team established?


I noted, "Information about the people’s
service/contributions/achievements are gathered from formal and informal
sources. " Can you specify, what formal means and what informal means, and
please give example of some sources you have used.


Can you please also let me know how many nomination you have submitted to
DIEC Minister for review, how many the DIEC Minister agreed to nominate
and how many she disagreed.


I noted "the Ministry nominated 11 candidates for a New Zealand Royal
Honour”, may I know if possible, what is the success rate of these
candidates, e.g. how many candidates you nominated actually received the
New Zealand Royal Honour.


Yours faithfully,


john luke




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