Business leaders

john luke made this Official Information request to University of Auckland

The request was successful.

From: john luke

Dear University of Auckland,

I noted, you have Executives-in-Residence and Entrepreneur-in-Residence positions.

May I know the position description of these positions and their pay rate or how they are get paid/ reimbursed? How long they have been appointed for?

How did your selecting them? What is your selection process?

Besides the link I found, do you have any more Executives-in-Residence and Entrepreneur-in-Residence? If so, please provide me with the name and bio.

Yours faithfully,

john luke

Link to this

From: Landon Watt
University of Auckland

Dear John,


I refer to your request of 30 October 2022. The University’s response


“May I know the position description of these positions…”


There are no formal position descriptions for the Business School’s
Executives-in-Residence and Entrepreneurs-in-Residence, but the Business
School has provided the following description in response to your request:


“The Business School’s Executives-in-Residence and
Entrepreneurs-in-Residence are honorary appointments that are intended to
broaden the Business School’s relationship with the business community.
Typically the EIR is a prominent senior executive whose role is to share
their expertise with our faculty and students. They usually involve
themselves as a mentor, project adviser, ambassador, and networker, and
become fully integrated into the life of the School.


They are assisted in accessing resources that are appropriate to the terms
of the arrangement including assistance with preparation ahead of any
guest teacher roles, and guidance on the University’s research policies
and requirements if they are contributing in this area. All honorary
appointees are entitled to access the University Library, may use the
Honorary title in a professional context for the period of the
appointment, and are expected to use the University as an author address
in publications.”


“May I know… their pay rate or how they are get paid/ reimbursed?”


The Business School does not pay its
Executives/Entrepreneurs-in-residence. Occasionally the Business School
may agree to reimburse executives/entrepreneurs-in-residence for
appropriate and reasonable expenses.


“How did your selecting them? What is your selection process?”


The Business School’s Executives-in-Residence and
Entrepreneurs-in-Residence are honorary appointments, and as such are
selected and appointed in accordance with the University’s Honorary
Appointment Policy and Procedures, which are publicly available at
This constitutes a refusal of your request under section 18(d) of the OIA,
on the ground that the information requested is publicly available.


“How long they have been appointed for?”

“Besides the link I found, do you have any more Executives-in-Residence
and Entrepreneur-in-Residence? If so, please provide me with the name and

This information is intended to be published on the University’s website
at [2]
However, that webpage is no longer up to date - the Business School is
currently in the process of updating it. The information requested will
shortly be made available on the University’s website after the webpage
linked above is updated  – we will notify you after this has been done.
This constitutes a refusal of your request under section 18(d) of the OIA
on the ground that the information requested will soon be publicly


You have the right to make a complaint to an Ombudsman if you are
dissatisfied with this response.


Yours sincerely,


Landon Watt

Legal Advisor

Office of the Vice-Chancellor

University of Auckland


From: john luke <[3][FOI #20974 email]>
Sent: Sunday, 30 October 2022 2:30 AM
To: legal <[4][University of Auckland request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Business leaders


Dear University of Auckland,


I noted, you have Executives-in-Residence and Entrepreneur-in-Residence

May I know the position description of these positions and their pay rate
or how they are get paid/ reimbursed? How long they have been appointed

How did your selecting them? What is your selection process?

Besides the link I found, do you have any more Executives-in-Residence and
Entrepreneur-in-Residence? If so, please provide me with the name and bio.

Yours faithfully,

john luke


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[6][FOI #20974 email]

Is [7][University of Auckland request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to University of Auckland? If so, please contact us using this

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Visible links
3. mailto:[FOI #20974 email]
4. mailto:[University of Auckland request email]
6. mailto:[FOI #20974 email]
7. mailto:[University of Auckland request email]

Link to this

Things to do with this request

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