NZ Traveller Declaration and paper Arrival Card
Felix Lee made this Official Information request to New Zealand Customs Service
The request was successful.
From: Felix Lee
Dear New Zealand Customs Service,
I would like to make an OIA request regarding any plans regarding the future of NZ Traveller Declaration.
1. Any planned new features/bug fixes to NZTD
2. Any plans regarding integrating the paper Arrival Card
3. If there are plans to integrate the Arrival Card, how do you deal with the case where the traveller picks up new biosecurity risk items between the period of filling in NZTD and arriving at the border
Yours faithfully,
Felix Lee
From: OIA
New Zealand Customs Service
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after the day on which your request is received. If you would like to
calculate the timeframe, you can use the Ombudsman's online calculator
here: [1]
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From: HARRISON Jasmin
New Zealand Customs Service
Good morning Felix
Please find attached a letter extending the timeframe for response to your request under the Official Information Act 1982.
Jasmin Harrison
Advisor Correspondence, Reviews, and Ministerial Servicing
New Zealand Customs Service | Te Mana Ārai o Aotearoa
[email address]
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From: HARRISON Jasmin
New Zealand Customs Service
Good afternoon Mr Lee
Please find attached a response to your request under the Official Information Act 1982.
Jasmin Harrison
Advisor Correspondence, Reviews, and Ministerial Servicing
New Zealand Customs Service | Te Mana Ārai o Aotearoa
Phone: 03 964 8104 or 021 463 866
[email address]
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
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