Electric Charging Stations at Government Sites

Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to James Shaw

The request was partially successful.

From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear James Shaw,

Please provide

- Total number of electric charging stations on government sites across New Zealand
- Please provide how many of these charging stations are powered by fossil fuels
- Please provide all of the suburbs across New Zealand that have the infrastructure to charge an electric vehicle in every household in the suburb
- If there are no suburbs across New Zealand please provide the indicative cost to upgrade the infrastructure in that suburb - just one sample area would be fine
- Please provide total energy generation in New Zealand
- % energy fossil fuels and cost per unit
- % energy renewables and cost per unit

Please provide the total dollar amount of government subsidies to renewable energy providers across the last ten years in New Zealand.

Are we going to have an honest conversation about this? I actually feel sorry for you going on Mike Hosking and not being able to answer basic questions about your Climate Change policy. Can you give one example globally were energy production is 100% renewable and they are still able to put food on the table?

Why don't you do a test case in New Zealand in the area you live in and see if you can make it work - 100% renewable energy, how reliable this will be, the cost for households in the suburb you live in, cost to upgrade infrastructure (to be upgraded by the rates take in the area or the green elites in the area pay for this themselves, food in the area to be produced using green energy, supply chains using electric vehicles - ultimately could your suburb survive or would you be bankrupted and have no food because it is uneconomic to produce and deliver.

Lets have an honest conversation - and can you please tell me the proportion of my hard earnt money that you require to change the temperature? I'm figuring money is the only way you can do this because every single day the government requires more of my money. Could the government finance the change to 100% green / renewables and then pay it back themselves? If renewables are the future why don't the government fund it with borrowed money and then pay it back with industry profits?

This is honestly getting silly.

Yours faithfully,

Link to this

From: J Shaw (MIN)
James Shaw

Attachment image001.png
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Tēnā koe,


Thank you for contacting the office of Hon James Shaw, Minister of Climate
Change and Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity).  


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o If you have made a request for official information then this will be
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o To find out more about Minister Shaw read his [3]biography or recent



Ngā mihi

Office of Hon James Shaw
Reception +64 4 817 6663 | Ministerial Email [5][James Shaw request email] |
Web [6]beehive.govt.nz |
Postal Freepost Parliament, Private Bag 18 041, Parliament Buildings,
Wellington 6160, New Zealand






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From: J Shaw (MIN)
James Shaw

Kia ora Chuck

On behalf of Hon James Shaw, Minister of Climate Change, we refer to your official information request dated 17 May 2022 for information pertaining to electric charging stations at Government sites.

The information to which your request relates is believed to be more closely connected with the functions of the Minister of Energy & Resources, Hon Dr Megan Woods. In these circumstances, we are required by section 14 of the Official Information Act to transfer your request.

You will hear further from the office of Hon Dr Megan Woods concerning your request.

Ngā mihi

The Office of Hon James Shaw
Minister of Climate Change | Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity)| Green Party Co-Leader
Room 2.025, Parliament House| Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.

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From: Megan Woods (MIN)
James Shaw

Dear Chuck,


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your transferred Official
Information Act request, originally sent to Hon James Shaw on 17 May 2022.
You have requested the following information:

"• Total number of electric charging stations on government sites across
New Zealand

• Please provide how many of these charging stations are powered by fossil

• Please provide all of the suburbs across New Zealand that have the
infrastructure to charge an electric vehicle in every household in the

• If there are no suburbs across New Zealand please provide the indicative
cost to upgrade the infrastructure in that suburb - just one sample area
would be fine

• Please provide total energy generation in New Zealand

• % energy fossil fuels and cost per unit

• % energy renewables and cost per unit

Please provide the total dollar amount of government subsidies to
renewable energy providers across the last ten years in New Zealand...

and can you please tell me the proportion of my hard earnt money that you
require to change the temperature? I'm figuring money is the only way you
can do this because every single day the government requires more of my
money.  Could the government finance the change to 100% green / renewables
and then pay it back themselves? If renewables are the future why don't
the government fund it with borrowed money and then pay it back with
industry profits?"


We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 22 June 2022, being 20 working days after your
request was received in our office. If we are unable to respond to your
request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.


Kind regards,


Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods

Minister of Housing | Minister of Energy & Resources | Minister of
Research, Science & Innovation | Associate Minister of Finance


Phone: 04 817 8705 | Email: [1][email address]

Private Bag 18041 |Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand




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From: Marissa Quinn

Good morning Chuck


Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request of 24
May 2022, requesting the following information under the Act:


•        Total number of electric charging stations on government sites
across New Zealand

•        Please provide how many of these charging stations are powered by
fossil fuels

•        Please provide all of the suburbs across New Zealand that have
the infrastructure to charge an electric vehicle in every household in the

•        If there are no suburbs across New Zealand please provide the
indicative cost to upgrade the infrastructure in that suburb - just one
sample area would be fine

•        Please provide total energy generation in New Zealand

•        % energy fossil fuels and cost per unit

•        % energy renewables and cost per unit


Please provide the total dollar amount of government subsidies to
renewable energy providers across the last ten years in New Zealand…


and can you please tell me the proportion of my hard earnt money that you
require to change the temperature? I'm figuring money is the only way you
can do this because every single day the government requires more of my
money. Could the government finance the change to 100% green / renewables
and then pay it back themselves? If renewables are the future why don't
the government fund it with borrowed money and then pay it back with
industry profits?


I would like to seek clarification around a few elements of your request
just to ensure the information we provide is of most use to you.

I have bolded the parts of the questions above that would be useful to


·         When you ask about charging stations on government sites, are
you referring to EV chargers at government buildings/facilities, or also
including chargers located on Crown-owned land (such as a charger located
next to a State highway, or on Department of Conservation land)?

·         When you ask about renewable energy providers, do you mean the
generation companies? Such as meridian, contact energy, et al?

·         Finally, would you be able to refine the last part of your
request, as hypothetical questions are not requests for official
information? But if you clarify it or amend it we will try respond. and
can you please tell me the proportion of my hard earnt money that you
require to change the temperature? I'm figuring money is the only way you
can do this because every single day the government requires more of my
money. Could the government finance the change to 100% green / renewables
and then pay it back themselves? If renewables are the future why don't
the government fund it with borrowed money and then pay it back with
industry profits?



Kind regards




Marissa Quinn

Private Secretary (Energy and Resources)

[1][email address] | [mobile number]


Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods

Minister of Energy and Resources | Minister of Research, Science and
Innovation | Minister of Housing | Associate Minister of Finance

Private Bag 18041 | Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand

Office Phone: +64 4 817 8705      Email: [2][email address]




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2. mailto:[email address]

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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear Marissa Quinn,

Also Crown land
Yes subsidies to those energy providers and any others

My last question was rhetorical but relevant. If green energy is the future why don’t you try it in the Ministers area on a small scale and see if they can afford the food they produce using green energy sources. Couple of PAMU farms, land run on Electric tractors powered by wind generation, electric trucks for supply chains and so on and put a number on what it costs to put food on the table. Honesty do you people hate the next generation and want to put them into poverty?
To add to this request please provide all alternative energy sources identified in reports available to market gardeners and farmers that would replace
- tractors / diesel
- motorbikes / petrol
- trucks - supply chains etc
Just basic alternative sources of energy for these basic activities to get food for New Zealanders
- horse & cart?
- slaves?

I’m just curious.

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

Link to this

From: Marissa Quinn

Dear Chuck

Thank you for clarifying the scope of the request.
We will get the information to you, including the new information requested, on or before the Tuesday 5 July.

Kind regards


Marissa Quinn
Private Secretary (Energy and Resources)
[email address] | [mobile number]

Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods
Minister of Energy and Resources | Minister of Research, Science and Innovation | Minister of Housing | Associate Minister of Finance
Private Bag 18041 | Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
Office Phone: +64 4 817 8705 Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Link to this

From: Shayne O'Sullivan

Attachment OIA22 064 Letter from Hon Dr Megan Woods.pdf
296K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Mr Schooner,


Please find attached a letter from Hon Dr Megan Woods in regards to your
OIA request.


Kind regards,




Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods

Minister of Energy and Resources | Minister for Building and Construction
| Minister of Housing | Associate Minister of Finance

Private Bag 18041 | Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand

Office Phone: +64 4 817 8705      Email: [1][email address]




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1. mailto:[email address]

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Things to do with this request

James Shaw only: