Staffing at the Sensitive Claims Unit

john delaney made this Official Information request to Accident Compensation Corporation

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are john delaney, please sign in to send a follow up message.

From: john delaney

Dear Accident Compensation Corporation,

The Sensitive Claims Unit promotes itself to sensitive claimants as being a specialised unit in the following manner: "SCU comprises a specialised team of case managers and clinicians who are dedicated to managing the claims of people with injuries such as in the mental injuries that sensitive claimants suffers."

In addition to this, the ACC Sensitive Claims Unit maintains that in, "Managing such claims in a specialised Unit enables ACC to maintain the best possible security of client information, as well as the most efficient service delivery."

On this basis, under the provisions of the IOA, I request the following information from ACC:

1. What is the total number of staff working at the SCU on a full-time or part-time basis, that is, the number of Case Managers, Team Manager's, Case Owners, Technical Claims Manager's, Case Administrators, Specialised Clinicians Support staff etc.

2. How many teams form part of the SCU and what is the make-up and composition of each team, e.g. does a team work to specific geographic areas, how many members to a team, its leadership, nature of each teams specific roles and so on.

2. To whom does each SCU staff member report to, that is, what are the lines of communications for each SCU employee,and/or team.

3. What are the qualifications (by way of a specific breakdown), of the specialised team of case managers and all other staff working at the SCU, for example, are the Case and Team Manager's tertiary qualified in the complete and wider area of sexual abuse and if so, what are the qualifications that employees (its specialised staff) at SCU hold.

4. Exactly how does ACC-SCU define specialised clinicans, how many specialised and qualified clinicians are working at SCU and, what are these specialised clinicans qualifications and roles at SCU.

5. To whom are these specialised clinicians directly responsble to and what are their direct reporting lines.

6. What is the specific role of the SCU Branch Unit Manager and to whom does the SCU Branch Report to.

7. Does the BM of the SCU hold ultimate accountability and responsibility for the roles of all the staff at SCU, in respect of their actions, conduct,case management and so on.

8. If the Branch Mgr of the SCU is not responsible for the staff of SCU and their conduct etc, who does hold this ultimate accountability.

9. What is the rate of staff turnover for staffing at SCU from the period 2010 - 2014.

10. SCU promotes that its staff maintains regular "coaching" sessions for training of its staff, to update its staff, support them etc. What does the term coaching mean, what is its purpose and how is it constituted, and what are the checks and balance/quality assurance models in place to ensure quality case management principles are adhered to. Who undertakes this coaching for Case Manager's et al.

11. Are any staff, engaged in qualification appropriate supervision internally at the SCU and how many staff receive appropriately qualified external supervison. If not, why not.

Yours faithfully,

john delaney

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From: Koleti Vae'au
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment ACC s acknowledgment Hanna M.pdf
736K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Delaney,


Thank you for your requests for information of 14 August 2014.  Please
find attached ACC’s acknowledgment of these requests.


      Yours sincerely  
Koleti Vae'au, Team Manager, Government Services, ACC
  Governance, Legal, Policy, and Research.
  PO Box 242, Wellington 6140, [1]

  ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email
    unless it is really necessary. Thank you.



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From: john delaney

Dear Koleti Vae'au,

This is now twice that you have sent an IOA acknowledgement to the wrong person along with information that is not in any way relevant to my request, on a public web site. If you had sent this letter to a private individual or otherwise, on both occasions a privacy breach would have occurred.

This is an appalling indictment on ACC and a section/department of ACC that calls itself ACC Government Services.

Yours sincerely,

john delaney

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From: Claire Stearne
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment DELANEY.PDF.pdf
181K Download View as HTML



Claire Stearne, Acting Team Manager, ACC  
  ACC / Government Services / Justice Centre - Level 7  
  PO Box 242 / Wellington 6011 / New Zealand / [1]
  ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email
    unless it is really necessary. Thank you.


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From: Jopi Juwandi (AP)


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From: Jopi Juwandi (AP)


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From: Koleti Vae'au
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment Delaney J.PDF.pdf
494K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Delaney,


The below email was sent through to you on Friday 29 August, unfortunately
there was a system issue with the fyi website therefore I have sent this
through again.


    Yours sincerely,  
Koleti Vae'au, Team Manager, Government Services, ACC
    Governance, Legal, Policy, and Research.
PO Box 242, Wellington 6140, [1]
  ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email
    unless it is really necessary. Thank you.


From: Koleti Vae'au
Sent: Friday, 29 August 2014 2:55 p.m.
To: '[email address]';
'[OIA #1897 email]'
Subject: OIA requests dated 14 August 2014


Dear Mr Delaney,


Thank you for your requests for information of 14 August 2014. 

      Yours sincerely  
Koleti Vae'au, Team Manager, Government Services, ACC
  Governance, Legal, Policy, and Research.
  PO Box 242, Wellington 6140, [2]

  ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email
    unless it is really necessary. Thank you.



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P.A Hamill left an annotation ()

long long long over due

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Things to do with this request

Accident Compensation Corporation only: