OIA REQUEST: Following up Octagon equipment and furniture
Lee Robinson made this Official Information request to Dunedin City Council
The request was successful.
From: Lee Robinson
Dear Dunedin City Council,
A couple of years ago, the DCC provided lawn furniture, bean bags, a table tennis table and other assorted furniture and equipment for the Octagon.
It was removed shortly afterwards, and has not been returned to the Octagon.
I would like the following information:
(a) where was the equipment removed to and on what date?
(b) where is the equipment now?
(c) if the equipment was sold, how much it was sold for and to whom,?
(d) what was the purchase cost of the equipment? Where was it purchased from, and the name of the company that sold it to DCC?
I would like itemized information about each type of equipment independently e.g "bean bags", "lawn chairs", "table tennis table" and so on.
I will appreciate your timely response.
Yours faithfully,
Lee Robinson
From: Lauren McDonald
Dunedin City Council
Dear Mr Robinson
I am writing in response to your official information request, received on
Friday 11 March and offer my apologies for the delay in responding. Your
request has been considered under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA). I have set out below our
responses as per your itemised questions.
Dear Dunedin City Council,
A couple of years ago, the DCC provided lawn furniture, bean bags, a table
tennis table and other assorted furniture and equipment for the Octagon.
It was removed shortly afterwards, and has not been returned to the
I would like the following information:
(a) where was the equipment removed to and on what date? The equipment was
removed on 23 March 2020, which was the date of the end of the trial
period for the Octagon Experience.
(b) where is the equipment now? The equipment is stored in a secure DCC
storage facility.
(c) if the equipment was sold, how much it was sold for and to whom,? No
equipment has been sold but some planter boxes were gifted to the
Enviroschools programme for their use (See details in the attachment).
(d) what was the purchase cost of the equipment? Where was it purchased
from, and the name of the company that sold it to DCC? – this information
is included in the attachment.
I would like itemized information about each type of equipment
independently e.g. "bean bags", "lawn chairs", "table tennis table" and so
on. – This information is included in the attachment.
I trust that this answers your information request.
Yours sincerely
Lauren McDonald
Governance Support Officer
P 03 477 4000 | E [1][email address]
Dunedin City Council, 50 The Octagon, Dunedin
PO Box 5045, Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
[3]DCC Main Page
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1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.dunedin.govt.nz/
3. https://au-api.mimecast.com/s/click/V5cK...
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