Covid-19 Response
Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Jacinda Ardern
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)
Dear Jacinda Ardern,
Can you point to any country whereby the vaccine has had the desired impact to halt and stop the spread of Covid-19? Yes or No?
Would you consider your Covid-19 response has proven it has nothing to do with science due to incompetence of public officials?
Are vaccine passports pointless if the governments own agency can't provide quantifiable data as to how effective this is?
Would you consider the following accurate - "We are all in this together unless you own a business, are self employed, are a landlord, rely on open boarders to conduct business, are a farmer, are a nurse, are a doctor, have any other medical condition from Covid.
Covid-19 has now been around since late 2019 with schools and hospitals operating in some capacity.
Please state what has changed to actively discriminate against people who refuse to get the vaccine? The vaccine doesn't stop you getting or transmitting virus as we have seen by countless countries overseas - this means mandates are pointless?
Will you take any responsibility if the health and education of the country is compromised due to worker shortages?
If like overseas when long term vaccine impacts start to arise and health workers get sick will workers you have discriminated against be allowed their rights back to look after an ailing population?
You are on video stating you will discriminate and make a two tier society. Given you are taking away basic freedoms has there been any work around the people you are discriminating against and making sure they don't pay any tax? A two tier society would require a two system society wouldn't it? Please provide all work completed in this regard.
Can you state one achievement you are likely to be proud of when you leave office given the irreparable damage you are currently presiding over?
Yours faithfully,
Chuck Schooner
From: Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
Kia ora
Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with Prime Minister Jacinda
If you are writing about an issue relating to COVID-19, mental health,
Immigration, housing or benefit assistance, here's a list of links that
you might find helpful:
For queries around Managed Isolation availability and/or exemptions:
If you are overseas and need assistance please contact your nearest New
Zealand Embassy or Consulate. Contact details are listed in each
destination page on the SafeTravel website:
. For urgent consular assistance after-hours please contact +64 99 20 20
20 (monitored 24 hours a day).
For immigration and visa advice: contact the call centre which is open
6:00am Monday to midnight on Saturday (NZT).
For urgent housing or benefit enquiries:
∙ Call 0800 559 009 (for under 65)
∙ Call 0800 552 002 (for over 65)
If you need treatment or support for your health or wellbeing, the
following options are available.
Healthline – You can call Healthline for health advice on freephone 0800
611 116 at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Healthline staff
can advise you on the best thing to do in your situation, including which
services are near you and open.
1737 – If you need to talk to someone about how you are feeling, you can
call or text 1737 for free at any time to talk to a trained counsellor.
Mental health crisis teams – If you are concerned that someone is going to
hurt themselves or someone else, you can call your local mental health
crisis team. A full list of numbers is available here:
For Police assistance In an emergency call 111.
For everything else use 105.
You can also make a report online at
We hope that one of the above links helps answer your question, if not we
will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you again
Office of the Prime Minister
Visible links
From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)
Dear Jacinda Ardern,
Please respond to this urgently
Yours faithfully,
Chuck Schooner
From: Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
Kia ora
Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with Prime Minister Jacinda
If you are writing about an issue relating to COVID-19, mental health,
Immigration, housing or benefit assistance, here's a list of links which
you might find helpful:
For urgent queries around Managed Isolation availability and/or exemptions
go to
Requesting an emergency allocation:
To make a complaint or request a review of your application:
[2] /.
For information on COVID-19, including the latest updates, go to
If you are concerned that someone is not following the COVID-19
requirements, you can report it here:
Information about the COVID-19 Protection Framework can be found here:
and guidance for businesses can be found here:
Current locations of interest are set out at
. We encourage anyone who has been at one of the locations of interest at
the time specified to self-isolate and call Healthline on 0800 358 5453.
You can find the nearest testing centre to you at
[7] and your nearest vaccination
centre at [8] . You can
also book your vaccination at [9]
or by calling 0800 28 29 26.
To get your My Vaccine Pass online head to
[10] or for help over the phone you can
call 0800 222 478 between 8am and 8pm, 7 days a week. Those pharmacies
giving COVID-19 vaccines can also help with My Vaccine Pass face to face,
and can be found here:
For immigration and visa advice
Contact the call centre which is open 6:00am Monday to midnight on
Saturday (NZT).
For urgent housing or benefit enquiries:
∙ Call 0800 559 009 (for under 65)
∙ Call 0800 552 002 (for over 65)
Information on Work and Income’ opening hours over the Christmas and New
Year Period is available here:
If you need treatment or support for your health or wellbeing:
The following options are available:
Healthline – You can call Healthline for health advice on freephone 0800
611 116 at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Healthline staff
can advise you on the best thing to do in your situation, including which
services are near you and open.
1737 – If you need to talk to someone about how you are feeling, you can
call or text 1737 for free at any time to talk to a trained counsellor.
Mental health crisis teams – If you are concerned that someone is going to
hurt themselves or someone else, you can all your local mental health
crisis team. A full list of numbers is available here:
For Police assistance in an emergency call 111.
For everything else use 105.
You can also make a report online at [15],
We hope that this information is helpful, if not we will try to get back
to you as soon as possible.
Thank you again
Office of the Prime Minister
show quoted sections
From: J Ardern (MIN)
Jacinda Ardern
Tēnā koe Chuck,
On behalf of the Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, thank you for your email on 15 November 2021 regarding the COVID-19 Response.
The request is not considered official information under Section 2 of the Act. Therefore, I am refusing your request.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under section 28(3) of the Act.
Ngā mihi,
Private Secretary (Executive Support)
Office of the Prime Minister
Authorised by Rt. Hon Jacinda Ardern MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
show quoted sections
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- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
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