What will happen if the alleged infringer on an infringement notice, issued under the Land Transport Act 1998, issued by the NZ Police, choose to request a court hearing?

Sophie made this Official Information request to Aupito William Sio

The request was partially successful.

From: Sophie

Dear Mr Aupito William Sio,

I have a few questions regarding what will happen if the alleged infringer on an infringement notice, issued under the Land Transport Act 1998, issued by the NZ Police, choose to request a court hearing.

1. What kind and what level of court/tribunal will the hearing be held at? What will be the initial court filing cost for the alleged infringer on the infringement notice?

2. Will it be a generalist court or a specialist court? If it will be a specialist court, what specialist area of the court will that be?

3. Will it be a criminal case or a civil case?

4. Will the case prosecutor’s (Police’s) claimed amount of money and other claims be as same as the infringement fee payable and any other claim on the infringement notice?

5. If the respondent (alleged infringer) is convicted, can the new infringement fee payable become more than the infringement fee payable specified on the infringement ticket?

6. If the respondent is convicted, will there be a criminal record left on the respondent’s criminal record?

7. If the respondent is convicted, what will be any other court cost that the respondent will need to pay for?

8. After the case is filed to the court, can the respondent choose to close the filed case and pay for the infringement fee payable specified on the infringement notice?
If the respondent can choose to close the filed case, what other cost besides the infringement fee payable specified on the infringement notice will need to be paid?

9. If the respondent choose to close the filed case and pay for the infringement fee payable specified on the infringement notice, will there be a criminal record left on the respondent’s criminal record?


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From: A Sio (MIN)
Aupito William Sio

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Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Aupito William Sio, Minister
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Office of Hon Aupito William Sio, MP for Mangere
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Authorised by Hon Aupito William Sio MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
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From: A Sio (MIN)
Aupito William Sio

Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Aupito William Sio, Minister
for Pacific Peoples, Minister for Courts, Associate Minister of Justice,
Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Associate Minister of Health
(Pacific) and Associate Minister of Education (Pacific).


Minister Sio receives a significant volume of correspondence:


o If your message is for Minister Sio’s advice, or if you have copied
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Kind regards,


Office of Hon Aupito William Sio, MP for Mangere
Reception +64 4 817 8723 | Ministerial Email [Aupito William Sio request email] | Web
[2]beehive.govt.nz | Postal Freepost Parliament, Private Bag 18 041,
Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand

Authorised by Hon Aupito William Sio MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
6160, New Zealand



Visible links
1. http://www.dia.govt.nz/Proactive-Release...
2. https://www.beehive.govt.nz/minister/hon...

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From: A Sio (MIN)
Aupito William Sio

Tçnâ koe Sophie,


On behalf of Hon Aupito William Sio, Minister for Courts, thank you for
your email below regarding an infringement notice.

This issue you have raised falls within the operational responsibilities
of the Ministry of Justice who I have been advised have responded directly
to you.


Thank you for writing to the Minister.


Ngâ mihi,




Jay Fealofani | Private Secretary Courts and Justice

Office of the Honourable Aupito William Sio




-----Original Message-----

From: Sophie [[1]mailto:[FOI #17149 email]]

Sent: Tuesday, 12 October 2021 12:12 AM

To: A Sio (MIN) <[2][email address]>

Subject: Official Information request - What will happen if the alleged
infringer on an infringement notice, issued under the Land Transport Act
1998, issued by the NZ Police, choose to request a court hearing?


Dear Mr Aupito William Sio,


I have a few questions regarding what will happen if the alleged infringer
on an infringement notice, issued under the Land Transport Act 1998,
issued by the NZ Police, choose to request a court hearing.


1. What kind and what level of court/tribunal will the hearing be held at?
What will be the initial court filing cost for the alleged infringer on
the infringement notice?


2. Will it be a generalist court or a specialist court? If it will be a
specialist court, what specialist area of the court will that be?


3. Will it be a criminal case or a civil case?


4. Will the case prosecutor’s (Police’s) claimed amount of money and other
claims be as same as the infringement fee payable and any other claim on
the infringement notice?


5. If the respondent (alleged infringer) is convicted, can the new
infringement fee payable become more than the infringement fee payable
specified on the infringement ticket?


6. If the respondent is convicted, will there be a criminal record left on
the respondent’s criminal record?


7. If the respondent is convicted, what will be any other court cost that
the respondent will need to pay for?


8. After the case is filed to the court, can the respondent choose to
close the filed case and pay for the infringement fee payable specified on
the infringement notice?

If the respondent can choose to close the filed case, what other cost
besides the infringement fee payable specified on the infringement notice
will need to be paid?


9. If the respondent choose to close the filed case and pay for the
infringement fee payable specified on the infringement notice, will there
be a criminal record left on the respondent’s criminal record?







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