GIS data for first three groups of Special Housing Areas

Shenglin Zeng made this Official Information request to Auckland Council

The request was successful.

From: Shenglin Zeng

Dear Auckland Council,

I would like to request the GIS data for the three groups of Special Housing Areas that have been announced so far. I understand that there are maps of the areas available as images in, I am asking for the geodata behind those images.

In the geodata I would like each Area to have their name, the geographical extent of the Area, and which group the Area belongs to. If possible, please also include the name and shape of individual Proposed Unitary Plan zones within the Area.

I understand that the areas of the third group (announced 7 May) are provisional until the Governor-General approves them. I would prefer that the data are sent as they become available, so if it's possible, please send the available data (first, second and the provisional third group) first and the confirmed data for the third group later. If the confirmed data does not differ from the provisional data then there is no need to send it.

In the case that an Area is expanded between groups (for example Alexander Crescent), please create two entities to correspond with the Area before and after the change.

Any open format (e.g. Shapefile, GeoJSON) would be fine.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Shenglin Zeng

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From: Stephens, James
Auckland Council

Attachment Customer Response.pdf
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Dear Shenglin Zeng,

Please refer to the attachment.

Kind regards,

James Stephens
Public Information Democracy Services
[Auckland Council]

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