Charge out rates for building consents

David made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council

The request was successful.

From: David

Dear Wellington City Council,

Could you please advise the hourly charge out rates for professionals the Council either employ or contracts to to approve building consents:

This would include by way of example, Professional Engineers (structural,civil,mechanical,etc) ; council employees, administrators and support staff.

Many thanks

Yours faithfully,


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From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council

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Tēnā koe David


Thank you for your email dated 01/09/2021 requesting information about the
hourly rates for professionals the Council employ/contracts to approve
building consents.


Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 which requires us to provide a decision
as soon as possible, but no later than 29/09/2021, being 20 working days
of receipt.


The reference number for your request is IRC-2322.


Please contact us if you have any further questions.


Kind regards


The Assurance Team

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From: Ian Hunter
Wellington City Council

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Good afternoon David,


Thank you for your email to the Council received on 1 September 2021 in
which you requested the hourly charge out rate for professionals the
Council either employ or contracts to approve building consents.


The Council’s website contains an overview of charges relating to the
building consent process and can be accessed via the following link:


If I have understood your question correctly then I can advise the
processing of building consent applications are charged depending on the
project value and complexity rather than an hourly rate of the staff


However; where additional inspections or professional engineering input is
required, specific charges may be applied. Such charges are outlined on
the Council’s website.


Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.


Kind regards,



Ian Hunter
Assurance Advisor | Assurance | Wellington City Council
P 04 803 8315 | M 021 227 8315
E [2][email address] | W [3] | [4]Facebook | [5]Twitter
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From: David <[FOI #16598 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 1 September 2021 5:19 pm
To: BUS: Assurance <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Charge out rates for building


Dear Wellington City Council,




Could you please advise the hourly charge out rates for professionals the
Council either employ or contracts to to approve building consents:


This would include by way of example, Professional Engineers
(structural,civil,mechanical,etc) ; council employees, administrators and
support staff.


Many thanks


Yours faithfully,





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2. mailto:[email address]

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Things to do with this request

Wellington City Council only: