LAW 131 2021 (S1) Exam Plagiarism

David Scott made this Official Information request to University of Auckland

The request was successful.

From: David Scott

Dear University of Auckland,

When delivering lecture content today, it has been reported that a university lecturer alleged 10% of the LAW 121 cohort plagiarised their exam in 2021 (S1).

Can you please provide data on the number of students found to have breached the Student Academic Conduct Statute during the LAW 121 exam in S1 2021 and the total number of enrolled students in the course?

Yours faithfully,

David Scott

Link to this

From: David Scott

Dear University of Auckland,

I made an error in the subject title of my request.

Please read the subject: 'LAW 121 2021 (S1) Exam Plagiarism'

Yours faithfully,

David Scott

Link to this

From: Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland

Dear David,


I refer to your email of 20 July 2021, in which you requested official
information concerning academic misconduct in the LAW 121/121G examination
and the number of enrolled students in that course.


The total number of students enrolled in LAW 121/121G in Semester 1 2021
was 1082. There were 41 cases of academic misconduct in the LAW 121/121G
examination. Under 4%.of the 2021 S1 LAW 121/121G cohort committed
academic misconduct in their exam.


Yours sincerely,

Rebecca Ewert

General Counsel


From: David Scott <[1][FOI #16142 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 20 July 2021 10:27 PM
To: legal <[2][email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - LAW 131 2021 (S1) Exam Plagiarism


Dear University of Auckland,

When delivering lecture content today, it has been reported that a
university lecturer alleged 10% of the LAW 121 cohort plagiarised their
exam in 2021 (S1).

Can you please provide data on the number of students found to have
breached the Student Academic Conduct Statute during the LAW 121 exam in
S1 2021 and the total number of enrolled students in the course?

Yours faithfully,

David Scott


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

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[3][FOI #16142 email]

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