Information on "They Are Us"

SA made this Official Information request to Broadcasting Standards Authority

Broadcasting Standards Authority did not have the information requested.

From: SA

Kia ora

Can you please urgently provide me with the following information:

- Any Information the Broadcasting Standards Authority possessed or knew of prior to June 2021 of the proposed movie "They are us" to be directed by Andrew Niccol.
- Any correspondence between the Broadcasting Standards Authority and the production team of "They are us"
-All correspondence by staff of the Broadcasting Standards Authority about the movie "They are us" including the Chief Executive, Glen Scanlon, and the Broadcasting Standards Authority Board Members.

I look forward to hearing back as soon as possible.

Ngā mihi,


Link to this

From: BSA Info
Broadcasting Standards Authority

Kia ora 


Thank you for emailing [1][BSA request email].  The information below may
assist you with your inquiry: 

* If you are trying to make a formal complaint about a broadcast
programme and you have not yet complained to the broadcaster,
you must first send your complaint to the broadcaster, unless your
complaint is ONLY about the privacy standard (in which case it can
come directly to us). Your complaint must be received by the
broadcaster within 20 working days of the programme you are
complaining about (see [2]Broadcaster contact details). If you are
unhappy with the broadcaster’s response you can refer your complaint
to BSA at that stage. 
* If you have complained to the broadcaster and have not yet received a
response, you can refer your complaint to us if 20 working days have
passed since you lodged your complaint. If 20 working days have not
yet passed since your original complaint, the broadcaster still has
time to consider your complaint. You can use this [3]online working
days calendar to calculate the working days (starting from the day
after you made your complaint).  If you do not hear from the
broadcaster within 20 working days, you can refer your complaint to us
at that stage.  The broadcaster may notify you that an extension of
time is required. 
* If you have received the broadcaster’s response, and you are referring
your complaint to us for review, a member of our team will be in touch
shortly to outline next steps.  


Please contact the [4]New Zealand Media Council if your complaint is


o content of newspapers, magazines and periodicals in circulation in New
Zealand including their websites 
o news content on the websites of the following broadcasters – TVNZ,
Mediaworks, Mâori  Television, Sky Network Television, NZME Radio and

Radio New Zealand 
o digital sites with news content, including blogs characterised as news
commentary that have been accepted as members of the Media Council 
o classification of video-on-demand content of the following providers –
TVNZ, RNZ, Mediaworks, Mâori Television, Lightbox, Netflix, Stuff, and


Please contact the [5]Advertising Standards Authority if your complaint is
about an advertisement (other than a promo for a scheduled programme).  


Read [6]What we cover for more information about what the BSA is able to
consider. You can also visit the [7]FAQs on our website for more


Ngâ mihi nui  



Visible links
1. mailto:[BSA request email]

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From: BSA Info
Broadcasting Standards Authority

Dear SA


We do not hold any of the information listed in your email. The role of
the Broadcasting Standards Authority is to consider formal complaints
about broadcast content, generally on television and radio, once
programmes have been broadcast – for example, if a news item was
inaccurate or unbalanced or if a programme contained coarse language. We
do not have any involvement in movie production. You can read more about
the BSA on our website - [1]


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[2] or freephone 0800 802 602.


Kind regards




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Things to do with this request

Broadcasting Standards Authority only: