Ryan Bullock made this Official Information request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
The request was partially successful.
From: Ryan Bullock
Dear Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,
Can you list, and describe in detail ALL interactions with traditional media, social media, search provider and other external parties with regard to content either under production or published already.
Can you detail how the government discovers, tracks and classifies content online and via TV, radio.
Can you provide detail about the budget spent per year on these associated activities.
Can you provide all correspondence between the PM and Jessica Mutch McKay and Tova O'Brien.
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Bullock
From: Information [DPMC]
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Tēnā koe
Thank you for emailing the Department of the Prime Minister and
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We hope one of the above links helps answer your question.
We appreciate your patience at this time. Thanks again and please take
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From: Ryan Bullock
Dear Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,
I believe it is under your purview as it was this department that advertised on seek for the position of "Senior Analyst, Disinformation" In August 2021 This role would be directly included (but not limited to) in the information requested.
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Bullock
From: Information [DPMC]
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Kia ora
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 which
was received on Friday, 31 December 2021, copied below. A response will be
provided in accordance with the Act. Please note under Section 2(1) of
the Act, days in the period commencing 25 December 2021 through to 15
January 2022, are not counted as working days.
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) may publish the
response to your Official Information Act (OIA) request.
When you are provided with a response to this request, you will be
informed about whether the response to your OIA request will be published.
If DPMC does publish the response to your OIA request, personal
information, including your name and contact details, will be removed.
This publication process does not apply to extension letters or transfers.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Ministerial and Business Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][DPMC request email]
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Ryan Bullock left an annotation ()
@Luke C
I am happy to scope this to the last 24months if this is helpful, the general intent of this request is to provide transparency on the governments interactions with media, internet platform providers, and they way they have influenced and controlled content.
I want details on the mechanisms of communication with said parties.
I want details of how the government is gathering awareness of content on different mediums.
I want details of actions taken by government (or contracted parties) to censor, remove, delete, alter, influence any content or all applicable parties (ISPs, Internet platforms like facebook, google, telegram, etc).
From: Information [DPMC]
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Ministerial and Business Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][DPMC request email]
The information contained in this email message is for the attention of
the intended recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or
communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you
are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, copy or distribute
this message or the information in it. If you have received this message
in error, please destroy the email and notify the sender immediately.
Visible links
1. mailto:[DPMC request email]
From: Ryan Bullock
Dear Information [DPMC],
I don't accept that your delegating this request to the BSA, your department has hired roles specifically to monitor and perhaps manipulate the media in roles like the one I mentioned previously (but not limted too).
The general intent of this request is to provide transparency on the governments interactions with media, internet platform providers, and they way they have influenced and controlled content.
I want details on the mechanisms of communication with said parties.
I want details of how the government is gathering awareness of content on different mediums.
I want details of actions taken by government (or contracted parties) to censor, remove, delete, alter, influence any content or all applicable parties (ISPs, Internet platforms like facebook, google, telegram, etc).
Yours sincerely,
Ryan Bullock
From: Samantha Carter
Kia ora Ryan
This is just a note to let you know that the Broadcasting Standards
Authority has received the partial transfer of your OIA request from the
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. We will respond as soon as
practicable, and within the statutory time frames set out in the OIA.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries in the
Ngâ mihi mahana l Warm regards
Samantha Carter [1](she/her)
Legal Advisor
[2]cid:image001.png@01D7AE2A.F1D24DF0 M: 021 226 3839
E: [3][email address]
W: [4]www.bsa.govt.nz
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7. http://eepurl.com/bj962z
From: Information [DPMC]
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Kia ora Ryan,
Thank you for your queries regarding your Official Information Act
You will have noted that we have retained questions 1 and part of question
3 which we will respond to within the usual time frames of the Act.
As stated in our letter, information regarding question 2 of your request
is closely connected with the functions of Classification Office (CO) and
Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA), we have therefore transferred this
part of your request to these organisations for response.
We have also transferred question 4 of your request to the Prime Ministers
Office as we do not hold this information.
If you are unhappy with our decision to transfer these parts of your
request you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate under
section 28(3) of the Official Information Act 1982.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Ministerial and Business Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][DPMC request email]
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From: Samantha Carter
Kia ora Ryan
Please find attached a response to your request under the Official
Information Act 1982, which was partially transferred to the Broadcasting
Standards Authority from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
on 27 January 2022.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this.
Ngâ mihi mahana l Warm regards
Samantha Carter [1](she/her)
Legal Advisor
[2]cid:image001.png@01D7AE2A.F1D24DF0 M: 021 226 3839
E: [3][email address]
W: [4]www.bsa.govt.nz
Follow us on
Twitter [5]@BSA_NZ and
Broadcasting Standards Authority | Level 2 / 119 Ghuznee Street,
Wellington | PO Box 9213, Wellington 6141
[7]Click here to subscribe to our newsletter, the BSA Pânui
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Visible links
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2. https://www.bsa.govt.nz/assets/16b438966...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. http://www.bsa.govt.nz/
5. https://twitter.com/BSA_NZ
6. https://www.linkedin.com/company/broadca...
7. http://eepurl.com/bj962z
From: Ryan Bullock
Dear Samantha Carter,
Sorry to waste your time like this, It is obvious that this was transferred to the BSA by the DPMC to obfuscate the process and mask the more clandestine and immoral actions that they themselves have been undertaking to manipulate the content of traditional media and online platforms.
I guess I have to complain to the Ombudsman to get them to acknowledge what they are doing.
Yours sincerely,
Ryan Bullock
From: Information [DPMC]
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Ministerial and Business Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][DPMC request email]
The information contained in this email message is for the attention of
the intended recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or
communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you
are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, copy or distribute
this message or the information in it. If you have received this message
in error, please destroy the email and notify the sender immediately.
Visible links
1. mailto:[DPMC request email]
From: Ryan Bullock
Dear Information [DPMC],
It is simply not plausible that you hold no information related to the request given the DPMC recruited for a position "Senior Analyst, Disinformation" In August 2021. Is the person in the role not recording work in any way? Is this by design?
I guess the integrity of this office is reflection of the current state of affairs. What a disappointment!
Yours sincerely,
Ryan Bullock
From: Information Unit
Kia ora Ryan,
Please find attached a response to your request under the Official
Information Act 1982, which was partially transferred to the
Classification Office from the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet on 27 January 2022.
Kind regards,
Blair M
Kaitohutohu Matua | Senior Advisor
Te Mana Whakaatu | Classification
[1]cid:image001.png@01D8181F.64BF6FB0 Office
Ph: +64 4 471 6770 |
[3]Subscribe | [4]Facebook |
[5]Twitter | [6]Instagram
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Luke C left an annotation ()
It seems you may not be entirely getting the information you seek because your request was ill-defined to begin with.
From: J Ardern (MIN)
Tēnā koe,
On behalf of Raj Nahna, I attach a letter in response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Private Secretary (Executive Support)
Office of the Prime Minister
Authorised by Rt. Hon Jacinda Ardern MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Luke C left an annotation ()
Your request is not very well scoped. The first and last legs of your request is very wide because it asks for "all". And the first leg asks for currently under production or already produced, in other words, everything in the past up to the date of your request. This means going back in time to the time the department was created and having to search through huge volumes of paper and electronic records. Imagine if you received a request like this!
The addition of your follow up email adds another layer of meaning that then needs to be read in conjunction with your first email.
You should also always number the legs of a request so they can be referred to in subsequent correspondence by either the department or yourself.
The department will either respond asking to refine your request or will just interpret in its own way.
Link to this